miércoles, 17 de abril de 2024
Distribuidor GPS LA Artevisual2.Delarteatusojos
Mi nombre es Pablo de la empresa Car Track GPS y estamos buscando distribuidores.
Es para ofrecer el servicio de rastreo de vehículos a clientes finales mediante plataforma web.
Este servicio permitirá a los clientes rastrear sus flotas desde cualquier navegador web, incluso desde Tablets y Smartphones, solo con su usuario y contraseña.
El KIT PROFESIONAL es un paquete con descuento creado para distribuidores que incluye todo lo necesario.
Incluye: software, 10 equipos GPS, envío y soporte para implementación.
Le ofrecemos el software y soporte del Kit Profesional sin costo, solo tiene que activar la suscripción en la nube y se instalará un servidor dedicado.
Servidor en nuestro Datacenter de máxima seguridad en Nueva York, con doble proveedor de electricidad y doble proveedor de internet.
Recomendamos adquirir equipos nuevos 4G para realizar pruebas, no recomendamos los equipos baratos, está inundado el mercado de los mismos.
Y no hay ningúin elemento diferenciador en ellos, es por esto que hemos creado equipos HUNTER 4G de calidad con nuevas características.
Tiene más de 100 eventos por hardware entre ellos: detección de robo de combustible, detección de conductas de manejo,
reconocimiento de choferes, sensor de temperatura, peso, humedad y combustible no invasivo (no hay que perforar el tanque).
Nuestros dealers obtienen ganancias en el Software, en los equipos GPS y el 100% del abono mensual.
El sistema se autogestiona y se puede adaptar a las necesidades de cada clientes.
Nosotros brindamos soporte y capacitaciones a los técnicos de sus clientes (que son empresas).
A diferencia de otros proveedores nosotros somos desarrolladores, ofrecemos plataforma Dedicada (no compartida) con el logo de cada clientes y soporte dedicado.
Disponemos de KITs de prueba que incluyen licencias completas del Software, es decir una vez que adquiera el KIT y haga las pruebas no deberá necesitar invertir en el Software nuevamente, ni existirán costos mensuales.
Nuestro producto es excelente para rastreo de flotas y recupero de vehículos robados. Aseguradoras, flotas de camiones, automotoras y ensambladoras de autos han sido nuestros clientes a lo largo de 20 años de trayectoria.
Todo lo que ud. necesita para comenzar el negocio:
-> 10 equipos GPS modelo HUNTER
-> Acuerdo de Representación Oficial
-> Envío puerta a puerta por DHL
-> Servidor Web instalado en sus oficinas remotamente
más actualizaciones sin límite y soporte dedicado de por vida
Con el PRO KIT ud podrá comenzar un nuevo negocio de rastreo de flotas y diversificar su inversión.
Solicite una propuesta comercial en español.
Saludos cordiales,
Pablo Zacheo
Car Track GPS
Web: cartrackgps com
Nuestra firma está debidamente registrada y posee clientes en más de 100 países.
Poseemos 20 años de experiencia en rastreo satelital GPS y sistemas de seguridad electrónica.
Si esta información no es para usted. por favor responda a este email con la palabra REMOVE en el asunto y tenga a bien disculparnos por las molestias ocasionadas.
ANGELICA AGUILAR VALDEZ Asegura el Ingreso de tus Productos a USA
NUEVO - Finanzas para NO financieros (online)
How To Get Rid of iron In Well Water
If you're struggling with rusty-looking stains on your sinks, a metallic taste in your water, or concerns about the safety of your well, the culprit is likely excess iron. Several proven methods exist to remove iron from your well water, including filtration, aeration, and oxidation. Understanding the causes of iron in your well and the various removal solutions empowers you to make the best decision for your home.
Iron naturally occurs in soil and rocks. As rainwater percolates through the ground, it can dissolve iron minerals, carrying them into your well water. This issue is particularly common in areas with naturally iron-rich geology or if you have older well components that may be corroding.
How Does Iron Get Into My Well Water?
The primary way iron enters well water is through natural processes. Groundwater seeps through iron-rich soil and rock formations, dissolving iron minerals along the way. Additionally, older well casings, pipes, or pumps made of iron-based materials can gradually rust, contributing to elevated iron levels in your well water.
What Problems Does Iron in Well Water Cause?
- Staining: Iron in well water is notorious for leaving unsightly reddish-brown stains on your plumbing fixtures, sinks, tubs, laundry, and even dishes.
- Metallic Taste and Odor: You may notice an unpleasant metallic taste or even a rusty odor in your drinking water and in beverages made with it.
- Appliance Damage: Over time, iron buildup can clog pipes and reduce the lifespan of water heaters, dishwashers, and other appliances.
- Potential Health Concerns: While iron is an essential nutrient, the EPA notes that excessive long-term consumption could pose health risks, primarily for individuals with certain medical conditions.
- Iron Bacteria: Iron in well water can promote the growth of iron bacteria, leading to slimy buildups and a worsening of taste, odor, and clogging issues.
How Do I Test for Iron in My Well Water?
- DIY Kits: Simple home test kits provide a basic indication of iron presence, but they may not be accurate enough for precise decision-making.
- Professional Lab Testing: For comprehensive results and critical information about your exact iron levels and other water quality parameters, send a water sample to a certified lab. Local health departments or water treatment companies can often help you find testing services.
What Are the Best Ways to Remove Iron from Well Water?
Filtration Systems
- Sediment Filters: These basic filters can remove some larger iron particles, but may be insufficient for higher iron levels.
- Iron-Specific Filters: Specialized filters with various media types trap and remove iron effectively, making them a popular treatment solution.
- Water Softeners: Traditional water softeners can remove small amounts of iron through ion exchange, but are more focused on addressing water hardness.
- Maintenance: Regardless of the filter type, regular replacement according to the manufacturer's instructions and monitoring your water quality with testing will ensure continued effectiveness.
- Process: Aeration injects air into the water, oxidizing soluble ferrous iron into insoluble ferric iron, making it filterable.
- Best for: Aeration is ideal for high iron levels and is often combined with filtration for optimal results.
Chemical Oxidation (Chlorination)
- Process: Chlorine injection oxidizes iron and disinfects the water. Filtration then removes the oxidized particles.
- Considerations: Chlorine can affect water taste, requiring additional filtration steps, and needs careful handling due to its potential hazards.
Other Methods
- Reverse Osmosis: This removes a wide range of contaminants, including iron, but may be less cost-effective for targeting iron specifically.
- Distillation: Similar to reverse osmosis, it's very effective but may not be practical as a primary solution for whole-house iron removal.
How Much Does Iron Removal Cost?
The cost to remove iron varies greatly depending on:
- Iron Level: Higher iron concentrations may require more complex treatment systems.
- Water Usage: The size of your household and water demand impact system capacity needs
- Chosen Method: Simple filters are less expensive, while aeration or chlorination systems have higher upfront and potential maintenance costs.
- DIY vs. Professional: Professional installation adds expense but is often recommended for complex setups.
Can I Remove Iron from My Well Water Myself?
The possibility of DIY installation depends on your skill level and the chosen method. Installing basic sediment filters or under-sink iron filters can be within a homeowner's capability. For whole-house systems, aeration, or chlorination, professional consultation and installation are usually the safest and most reliable route.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WoCQaXqQV4
- https://original.newsbreak.com/@reynold-aquino-1600118/3405129383798-how-to-get-rid-of-iron-in-well-water
- https://medium.com/@reynoldaquino/how-to-get-rid-of-iron-in-well-water-e01acbb39f9d
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