lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019
The decision to suspend your account. Waiting for payment.
As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your device.
I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.
I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.
I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.
If you want to prevent this,
transfer the amount of $746 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").
My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 13nsNBfoVwXDHY4puRD1AHjARbomKhsxEL
After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.
If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Best regards!
La posicion de tu empresa en Google
Quizá cuando empezaste tu negocio pensaste que al tener un producto "diferente" y "bueno" bastaba con tener presencia en internet para que las visitas y ventas comenzaran a llegar.
Lamentablemente, esto ya no es suficiente.
En Internet si
no estás en los primeros lugares, no existesLa mayoría de nuestros potenciales clientes valora la inmediatez y a la hora de buscar en Google "los primeros resultados son los mejores" porque Google siempre tiene la razón.
Parece que a la hora de atraer más clientes muchas veces nos olvidamos de la palabra clave que justamente es ATRAER.
Aprende a posicionarte en los primeros lugares y a ATRAER clientes potenciales.
Cómo Ganar Clientes sin Pagar Anuncios
Online en Vivo – 25 de Octubre
¿Quieres descubrir cómo?
¡Participa y empieza a ganar a clientes sin invertir un solo peso!
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o mandarnos un WhatsApp al +52 (55)4059-2231, +52 (55)4169-6689, +52 (55)8195-2239
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