
lunes, 4 de octubre de 2021

Tablas dinámicas en Excel.


Webinar en vivo:
Tablas dinámicas en Excel

Fecha: 23, 30 de Octubre y 6 de Noviembre
Duración: 9 Hrs.
Instructor: José Chabarría

Nuestro curso está diseñado para enseñarte a importar o construir bases de datos correctamente estructuradas para la creación de tablas dinámicas y a utilizar todas las herramientas de edición que Excel ofrece para esta funcionalidad. Al final, serás capaz de identificar y aplicar las funciones y utilidades del software para tareas propias del área financiera más comunes en el ámbito empresarial.

Objetivos específicos

El participante podrá:

- Podrá seleccionar los datos que conformarán la tabla dinámica.
- Podrá crear y editar tablas dinámicas.
- Será capaz de hacer cruces de los campos como filtros, etiquetas y valores que generen informes relevantes.
- Podrá utilizar los segmentadores de datos.

Y más.

Para mayor información, responder sobre este correo con la palabra Tablas + los siguientes datos:




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Innova Learn México - innovalearn. mx - Mérida, Yucatán, México.
Si desea dejar de recibir nuestra promoción favor de responder con la palabra baja o enviar un correo a bajas@

Distributor for artevisual2.delarteatusojos


I trust you're doing fine. My name is Pablo from Car Track GPS and we're looking for distributors for our tracking products.
We design innovative software and hardware location technologies.

Our innovative web based software allows owners to track fleets in realtime by iOS or Android Apps.
If a vehicle is stolen you can stop the engine and recover it.

With our Professional Kit you can start your own tracking business or just resell the software and hardware.

Our products are ideal for fleet tracking and recovery of stolen vehicles. Insurance companies, trucking companies and car dealers have been our clients for over 20 years.
This could be a good choice If you want to start a new business or diversify your investment.

The business consists in offering location services to end customers through a web site.
This is accomplished through a Web platform that we provide as a turnkey server installed at your end.

This service will allow customers to track their fleets from any web browser - even from Tablets and Smartphones - with a username and password.
We have Professional Kits available which include full Software licenses, so once you get the KIT and start testing you will not need to invest again in the Software or have to pay any monthly fee.

If you're interested I can send you the proposal for your consideration.

Best regards,
Pablo Zacheo
CEO Car Track GPS
Miami: +1 786 352 8766
=> Search "Car Track GPS" in Google for our official website

We have clients in over 100 countries and 20 years of experience in GPS tracking systems.
ID: 68369

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