
jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

informaciones sobre email marketing

Buenos dias

Mi nombre es Fabián Torre y técnico en EmailMarketing.
Me agradaria saber si les interesa recibir informaciones sobre
productos y servicios de EmailMarketing, y a que email puedo enviarlas.

Muchas gracias

Whatsapp: +55 719 9313-1792
Skype: chronskype

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Todos somos líderes ahora

Buenos días,
Esperemos usted, su familia y su equipo se encuentre saludable durante esta época sin precedentes. 
Cada crisis tiene un inicio, un durante y un después. El después puede requerir nuevas y mejores cosas de hacer las cosas. Hace cinco días Silega LatAm cumplió 10 años apoyando clientes en México y América Latina y lo vamos a seguir haciendo, adaptándonos a la nueva realidad.
¿Qué pueden hacer las empresas para mitigar el impacto de la crisis? Hemos hecho una recopilación cientos de casos de lo que ha funcionado en otros países o crisis anteriores y siempre son los mismos 5 estrategias:
  • Tener mentalidad positiva y abierta (en este momento se están formando nuevos hábitos de consumo). 
  • Innovar y cambiar (no solo en producto, también en cadena de valor, canales de venta, procesos y precios).
  • Proactivamente motivar, crear claridad y seguridad (poner a las personas y los clientes, ante todo).
  • Usar redes sociales para coordinar e involucrar a los colaboradores y clientes.
  • Prepararse para una recuperación lenta (que en algunas industrias o mercados probablemente va a durar más de 12 meses).
Y en el centro de estas cinco estrategias es la gente - que necesita estar mas apoyada, preparada y mejor dirigida que nunca.  Este es el momento en que más se necesita a los colaboradores y ellos de nosotros.
¿Qué hemos hecho hasta ahora? Para los clientes en México ofrecemos los siguientes compromisos.
  • Hemos migrado los diplomados, team-buildings online o pospuesto hasta nuevo aviso.
  • Tenemos los siguientes simuladores de negocio disponible online:  Silega Activator™,Silega Expedition™,Silega Pulse™, Silega Commander™, Silega Talent™, Silega Innova™, Silega Care™ y Silega Challenger™ y estamos trabajando en los demás.
  • Lanzamos un simulador nuevo que enseña a los participantes navegar tiempos inciertos - Silega Whitewater Survival™.
  • Ofrecemos flexibilidad de pago.
El equipo de Silega Mexico
55-1454-0563 CDMX
81-3849-0308 MTY
33-1580-9416 GDL
Descarga aquí nuestro catálogo con cursos online
Oferta del mes. Para grupos de más de 10 participantes paquete PLUS en precio de CLASSIC.
CLASSIC: Quiero aprender y ahorrar. De 1,998 a MXN 999 + IVA  
  • 100% online. 
  • Disponible desde cualquier dispositivo.
  • Instructores de clase mundial.
  • Tiempo para completar el curso a partir de empezar el primer módulo: 1 semana.
Más información para CLASSIC
PLUS: Quiero aprender y aplicar. De 5,998 a   MXN 2,999 + IVA   Incluye todo de "CLASSIC" más:
  • Tiempo para completar el curso a partir de empezar el primer módulo: 2 semanas.
  • Sesiones adicionales enfocadas en la aplicación.
  • Simulador de negocios Silega Pulse™ Online.
  • Guia del participante (PDF).
  • Copia de las presentaciones.
  • Diploma.
Más información para PLUS
PREMIUM: Quiero la experiencia completa. MXN 9,999 + IVA   Incluye todo de "PLUS" más:
  • Tiempo para completar el curso a partir de empezar el primer módulo: 4 semanas
  • Coaching 1:1 online (1 hr).
Más información para PREMIUM
El instructor
Georgi Tsvetanov lleva en Silega 10 años a cargo de la Dirección Regional para México y América Latina. Hasta la fecha ha facilitado más de 500 sesiones de capacitación con simuladores de negocios, seminarios y talleres en 18 países. Es expositor frecuente en el evento más importante de capacitación y desarrollo, ATD International Conference & Exhibition con más de 12 mil asistentes. Autor del libro best seller "Finanzas visuales: El modelo de una página para comprender los estados financieros y tomar mejores decisiones" publicado en diferentes idiomas.

Silega Learning, Paseo de los Tamarindos No. 400 A, DF, ., 05120, Mexico

information about email marketing

Good morning

My name is Fabián Torre and I´m a EmailMarketing technician
I would like to know if you are interested in receiving
information about products and services of EmailMarketing, and to
what email address I can send it.

Thanks a lot

Whatsapp: +55 719 9313-1792
Skype: chronskype

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Paquete: Taller de ortografía y redacción

El entorno laboral actual requiere de profesionistas capaces de expresarse por escrito de forma clara, coherente y con
impecable ortografía. Este curso en línea está enfocado en abordar las principales reglas ortográficas del idioma
español y en otorgar recomendaciones a los participantes para una redacción correcta de los textos profesionales o
de negocios más comunes tanto tradicionales como digitales.

Paquete: Taller de ortografía y redacción para profesionistas y negocios. (Curso en línea en vivo)

Sáb 09/05/20   | 10 am  a 12 pm  | Taller de ortografía básica para profesionistas y negocios.
Sáb 23/05/20   | 10 am a 12 pm | Taller de redacción para profesionistas y negocios.
Sáb 06/06/20   | 10 am a 12 pm | Redacción de documentos y textos ejecutivos.

Cada uno: $ 1,150.00 + IVA
Adquiriendo los tres:
$2,600 + IVA
Conexión al curso para una computadora o móvil, Material del curso, Reconocimiento, Interacción en directo para resolución de dudas.

Proporcionaremos a los participantes guías para una correcta redacción de textos que sean claros, concisos y entendibles
para el ámbito profesional.


1 - Nociones básicas de gramática funcional.
2 - Errores frecuentes de redacción.
3 - Vulgarismos y vicios del lenguaje.

¿Te interesa este curso?
Solicita información respondiendo a este correo con la palabra Redacción, junto con los siguientes datos:

Correo Alterno:

¿Dudas sobre este Evento?
Centro de atención a clientes:
Llámanos al (045) 5530167085 - (045) 55 85567293 - (045) 5530167085 6630

Programa Completo: Como Enfrentar la Crisis por la Pandemia de COVID-19

La CUARENTENA se ha extendido hasta MAYO y que mejor oportunidad para tomar este tiempo y capacitar por internet a todo su personal que se encuentra laborando desde casa ó en la oficina.

Nuestro país, como el resto del mundo, atraviesa una situación sin precedentes en la historia moderna. El COVID-19 amenaza con poner de rodillas hasta a las más grandes compañías, y hasta los empresarios con más experiencia se encuentran navegando la situación con comprensible incertidumbre.

Por ello diseñamos una serie de cursos con los mejores tips para asegurar la supervivencia de su empresa.

Si desea conocer y recibir la INFORMACIÓN COMPLETA del PROGRAMA EMERGENTE para enfrentar la Crisis por la Pandemia COVID-19,
RESPONDA a esta invitación con los siguientes datos:

Curso ó Cursos de Interés:
Nombre Completo:
Email Alternativo:
Número de Participantes:

y un ejecutivo le hará llegar la información a la brevedad.

Call Center: 55 5920 6006
Mensajes vía WhatsApp: (55)6896.43.61

Lic. Suria Herrera, Ejecutiva Comercial,¡Será un placer atenderle!

Este mensaje le ha sido enviado como usuario o bien un usuario le refirió para recibirlo. Si no pertenece al sector y no desea recibir actualizaciones al respecto, responda a esta invitación con la palabra BAJA DEFINITIVA.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020


Over $60 Million Worth of Bitcoins Hacked from NiceHash Exchange. Bitcoin mining platform and exchange NiceHash has been hacked, leaving investors short of close to $68 million in BTC.
As the price of Bitcoin continues to rocket, surging past the $14,500 mark at the time of writing, cyberattackers have once again begun hunting for a fresh target to cash in on in this lucrative industry.
Banks and financial institutions have long cautioned that the volatility of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency makes it a risky investment, but for successful attackers, the industry potentially provides a quick method to get rich — much to the frustration of investors.
Unfortunately, it seems that one such criminal has gone down this path, compromising NiceHash servers and clearing the company out.
In a press release posted on Reddit, on Wednesday, NiceHash said that all operations will stop for the next 24 hours after their "payment system was compromised and the contents of the NiceHash Bitcoin wallet have been stolen."
NiceHash said it was working to "verify" the precise amount of BTC stolen, but according to a wallet which allegedly belongs to the attacker — traceable through the blockchain — 4,736.42 BTC was stolen, which at current pricing equates to $67,867,781.
"Clearly, this is a matter of deep concern and we are working hard to rectify the matter in the coming days," NiceHash says. "In addition to undertaking our own investigation, the incident has been reported to the relevant authorities and law enforcement and we are co-operating with them as a matter of urgency."
"We are fully committed to restoring the NiceHash service with the highest security measures at the earliest opportunity," the trading platform added.
The company has also asked users to change their online passwords as a precaution. NiceHash says the "full scope" of the incident is unknown.
"We are truly sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused and are committing every resource towards solving this issue as soon as possible," the company added.
Inconvenience is an understatement — especially as so much was left in a single wallet — but the moment those coins shift, we may know more about the fate of the stolen investor funds.
More info

  1. Mind Hacking
  2. Kali Hacking
  3. Hacking Websites
  4. Como Empezar A Hackear
  5. Elladodelmal
  6. Hacking Raspberry Pi
  7. Hacking Etico Libro

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Zero-Day Warning: It's Possible To Hack iPhones Just By Sending Emails

Watch out Apple users! The default mail app pre-installed on millions of iPhone and iPad has been found vulnerable to two critical flaws that could let remote hackers secretly take complete control over Apple devices just by sending an email to targeted individuals. According to cybersecurity researchers at ZecOps, the vulnerabilities in question are out-of-bounds write and remote heap

via The Hacker News

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  1. Como Ser Hacker
  2. Android Hacking
  3. Hacking Code
  4. Curso Hacking Etico
  5. Foro Hacking
  6. Hacking Articles
  7. Hacking Wifi Windows
  8. Arduino Hacking
  9. Hacking Linux Distro
  10. Escuela De Hacking

Top 20 Best Free Hacking Apps For Android |2019|

 20 Best Free hacking apps For Android |2019|. 

Android is now one of the most popular operating systems. So, hackers have also started using Android devices for their tasks. Now Android devices are used for penetration testing and other hacking activities including IT security administrator, Wi-Fi hacking and network monitoring. There are several hacking apps or Android devices. So, we have curated a list of best hacking apps for Android.

Before you start using these apps, you must take a backup of your important data. I also recommend the use of these apps on a separate device. Using this on your primary phone is not recommended. It is because many of these apps require a rooted device and app can also harm your phone.

Note: Hacking apps can be used for educational and malicious purpose. But we never encourage malicious operations. We are listing the apps here just for educational purpose. You should only use these apps to learn. We do not support any unethical use of these apps.

1.  AndroRAT

AndroRAT stands for Android RAT. RAT is the short form of Remote Administrative Tool and it allows an attacker to remotely control and fetch information from a device. AndroRAT does the same thing. It has a server developed in Java/Swing but the Android application has been developed in Java Android.

AndroRAT allows you to connect information like call logs, contacts, messages, location and more. You can remotely monitor sent and received messages send texts, use the camera, open a URL in the browser, make phone calls and remotely monitor the device.

The connection to the server can be triggered by an SMS or a call. From the server GUI, you can check all the connected clients and access information.

As the app allows silent remote access, it is not available on Play Store.

                Download APK

2. zANTI

zANTI is a known penetration testing suite of applications you can install locally on Android smartphone. This tool brings scanning tools Diagnostic features and Reporting tools. You can use this malicious software to attack a network and check for any loopholes in your network. This tool is used to test redirect and SSL stripping attacks. You can edit request and response messages from web servers, the host takes websites from your Android phone and more.


3. FaceNiff

FaceNiff is another good Android hacking that allows you to intercept the traffic of your WiFi network. You can use this tool to snoop what people are doing on the network you are. You can snoop on services like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, YouTube and more. This is one of the notable too for steal cookies from the WiFi network and gives the attacker unauthorized access to other people's account.

This app requires a rooted device. So, you can only use the app if you have a rooted phone.

Download APK

4. Droidsheep

Droidsheep is also a similar app that helps security analysts understand what is happening in your Wi-Fi network. Like Face Sniff, this app can also hijack the web session profiles over a network and supports most of the services and websites.

The primary difference between Droidsheep and FaceSniff is that Droidsheep works with almost all the websites while FaceSniff has limited support.

                     Download APK

5. Hackode

Hackode is another good hacking apps for Android. It is not a single app but a collection of tools for ethical hackers and penetration testers. The app comes with three modules including Reconnaissance, Scanning and Security Feed. You can use this app for SQL Injection, Google hacking, MySQL Server, Whois, Scanning, DNS Dif, DNS lookup, IP, MX Records, Security RSS Feed, Exploits etc.

The app is still in beta, but available in Play Store.

                  Download Here

6. cSploit

cSploit is also a good security tool for Android. It comes with several options like cracking Wi-Fi password, installing backdoors, finding vulnerabilities and their exploits. If you are looking for a good hacking app or hacker app for Android, you should try this one for sure.

                  Download APK

7. DroidBox

DroidBox is also a similar kind of app that allows you to do the dynamic analysis of Android applications. You can use this app to get information like hashes of APK package, network traffic, SMS & phone calls, Incoming/outgoing network data, Listing broadcast receivers and more.


8. Nmap

If you are into security or hacking, I am sure you already know the name of this too. Like the desktop tool, Nmap for Android also allows you to scan

It works on both on non-rooted and rooted phones. If you are a beginner, you should try this app and learn from it.


9. SSHDroid

SSHDroid is SSH tool developed for Android. It lets you connect to a remote computer and run terminal commands, transfer and edit files. The app also provided features like shared-key authentication, WiFi autostart whitelist, extended notification control etc,

This app is available on Play Store.


10. Kali Linux NetHunter

Kali Linux NetHunter is an open source penetration testing platform for Android. It officially supports Nexus and OnePlus devices. It provides the ultimate penetration testing platform that allows you to perform a wide range of attacks.


11. APKInspector

APKInspector allows you to perform reverse engineering on an APK. you can use this to get a deep insight or APK and get the source code of any Android app. You can do modifications in the APK and visualize the DEX code to erase the credits and license.

                 Download APK

12. Shark for Root

Shark for Root is an advanced hacking tool for security experts and hackers. It can work as a traffic snipper. You can use the tcpdump command on rooted devices. It works on Wi-Fi, 3G, and FroYo tethered mode.


13. dSploit

dSploit is an Android network penetrating testing suit. You can download and install it on your device to perform network security testing. It supports all Android devices running on Android 2.3 Gingerbread or higher. You need to root this phone for using the app. After rooting the phone, you need to download BusyBox from Google Play Store

The app comes with several modules including Port Scanner, Inspector, RouterPWN, Trace, Login Cracker, Packet Forger, Vulnerability Finder, and MITM.


14. WPScan

WPScan is a WordPress vulnerability scanner for Android. This app is used to scan WordPress based websites and find possible vulnerabilities. WPScan is a popular desktop tool but this WPScan for Android is not related to that. So, do not think of it as an official WPScan app.


15. Network Mapper

Network Mapper is a network scanner tool for network admins. It used to scan the network, lists all devices connected and find Open ports of various servers like FTP servers, SSH servers, SMB servers etc on the network. The tool is available on Play Store.


16. Andosid

Andosid is like LOIC for the desktop. This tool is used to perform DOS attacks from Android mobile phones. You can use this tool to set a target URL and perform a DOS attack in one click. The tool will start flooding target URL with fake requests.


17. DroidSQLi

DroidSQLi app allows attackers to perform SQL Injection on a target URL. You just need to find a target URL and this tool will start the fully automated SQL Injection attack.


18. AppUse

AppUse is a Virtual Machine developed by AppSec Labs. It is a freely available mobile application security testing platform that comes with lots of custom made tools by AppSec Labs. If you want to sue your Android phone as your penetration testing tool, this one is for you.


19. Network Spoofer

Network Spoofer is also a good hacking app for android. It lets you change the website on other people's computer from your Android phone. Connect to a WiFI network and then choose a spoof to use with the app. this tool is to demonstrate how vulnerable a network is. Do not try this on any unauthorized networks.


20. DroidSheep Guard

As the name suggests, DroidSheep Guard works against DroidSheep. It monitors Android devices' ARP-table and tries to detect ARP-Spoofing attack on your network. It does not require a rooted device.



Read more
  1. Programa Hacker
  2. Hacking Etico Libro
  3. Ethical Hacking Curso
  4. Hacker Definicion
  5. Hacking Virus
  6. Hacking To The Gate
  7. Cosas De Hackers

Hacktivity 2018 Badge - Quick Start Guide For Beginners

You either landed on this blog post because 
  • you are a huge fan of Hacktivity
  • you bought this badge around a year ago
  • you are just interested in hacker conference badge hacking. 
or maybe all of the above. Whatever the reasons, this guide should be helpful for those who never had any real-life experience with these little gadgets. 
But first things first, here is a list what you need for hacking the badge:
  • a computer with USB port and macOS, Linux or Windows. You can use other OS as well, but this guide covers these
  • USB mini cable to connect the badge to the computer
  • the Hacktivity badge from 2018
By default, this is how your badge looks like.

Let's get started

Luckily, you don't need any soldering skills for the first steps. Just connect the USB mini port to the bottom left connector on the badge, connect the other part of the USB cable to your computer, and within some seconds you will be able to see that the lights on your badge are blinking. So far so good. 

Now, depending on which OS you use, you should choose your destiny here.


The best source of information about a new device being connected is
# dmesg

The tail of the output should look like
[267300.206966] usb 2-2.2: new full-speed USB device number 14 using uhci_hcd
[267300.326484] usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0403, idProduct=6001
[267300.326486] usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[267300.326487] usb 2-2.2: Product: FT232R USB UART
[267300.326488] usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: FTDI
[267300.326489] usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: AC01U4XN
[267300.558684] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
[267300.558692] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic
[267300.639673] usbcore: registered new interface driver ftdi_sio
[267300.639684] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for FTDI USB Serial Device
[267300.639713] ftdi_sio 2-2.2:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
[267300.639741] usb 2-2.2: Detected FT232RL
[267300.643235] usb 2-2.2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

Dmesg is pretty kind to us, as it even notifies us that the device is now attached to ttyUSB0. 

From now on, connecting to the device is exactly the same as it is in the macOS section, so please find the "Linux users, read it from here" section below. 


There are multiple commands you can type into Terminal to get an idea about what you are looking at. One command is:
# ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 -l

With this command, you should get output similar to this:

+-o FT232R USB UART@14100000  <class AppleUSBDevice, id 0x100005465, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (712 ms), retain 20>
    |   {
    |     "sessionID" = 71217335583342
    |     "iManufacturer" = 1
    |     "bNumConfigurations" = 1
    |     "idProduct" = 24577
    |     "bcdDevice" = 1536
    |     "Bus Power Available" = 250
    |     "USB Address" = 2
    |     "bMaxPacketSize0" = 8
    |     "iProduct" = 2
    |     "iSerialNumber" = 3
    |     "bDeviceClass" = 0
    |     "Built-In" = No
    |     "locationID" = 336592896
    |     "bDeviceSubClass" = 0
    |     "bcdUSB" = 512
    |     "USB Product Name" = "FT232R USB UART"
    |     "PortNum" = 1
    |     "non-removable" = "no"
    |     "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"}
    |     "bDeviceProtocol" = 0
    |     "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2"
    |     "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=0,"CurrentPowerState"=3,"CapabilityFlags"=65536,"MaxPowerState"=4,"DriverPowerState"=3}
    |     "kUSBCurrentConfiguration" = 1
    |     "Device Speed" = 1
    |     "USB Vendor Name" = "FTDI"
    |     "idVendor" = 1027
    |     "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
    |     "USB Serial Number" = "AC01U4XN"
    |     "IOClassNameOverride" = "IOUSBDevice"
    |   } 
The most important information you get is the USB serial number - AC01U4XN in my case.
Another way to get this information is
# system_profiler SPUSBDataType

which will give back something similar to:

          Product ID: 0x6001
          Vendor ID: 0x0403  (Future Technology Devices International Limited)
          Version: 6.00
          Serial Number: AC01U4XN
          Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
          Manufacturer: FTDI
          Location ID: 0x14100000 / 2
          Current Available (mA): 500
          Current Required (mA): 90
          Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

The serial number you got is the same.

What you are trying to achieve here is to connect to the device, but in order to connect to it, you have to know where the device in the /dev folder is mapped to. A quick and dirty solution is to list all devices under /dev when the device is disconnected, once when it is connected, and diff the outputs. For example, the following should do the job:

ls -lha /dev/tty* > plugged.txt
ls -lha /dev/tty* > np.txt
vimdiff plugged.txt np.txt

The result should be obvious, /dev/tty.usbserial-AC01U4XN is the new device in case macOS. In the case of Linux, it was /dev/ttyUSB0.

Linux users, read it from here. macOS users, please continue reading

Now you can use either the built-in screen command or minicom to get data out from the badge. Usually, you need three information in order to communicate with a badge. Path on /dev (you already got that), speed in baud, and the async config parameters. Either you can guess the speed or you can Google that for the specific device. Standard baud rates include 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 128000 and 256000 bits per second. I usually found 1200, 9600 and 115200 a common choice, but that is just me.
Regarding the async config parameters, the default is that 8 bits are used, there is no parity bit, and 1 stop bit is used. The short abbreviation for this is 8n1. In the next example, you will use the screen command. By default, it uses 8n1, but it is called cs8 to confuse the beginners.

If you type:
# screen /dev/tty.usbserial-AC01U4XN 9600
# screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
and wait for minutes and nothing happens, it is because the badge already tried to communicate via the USB port, but no-one was listening there. Disconnect the badge from the computer, connect again, and type the screen command above to connect. If you are quick enough you can see that the amber LED will stop blinking and your screen command is greeted with some interesting information. By quick enough I mean ˜90 seconds, as it takes the device 1.5 minutes to boot the OS and the CTF app.


When you connect the device to Windows, you will be greeted with a pop-up.

Just click on the popup and you will see the COM port number the device is connected to:

In this case, it is connected to COM3. So let's fire up our favorite putty.exe, select Serial, choose COM3, add speed 9600, and you are ready to go!

You might check the end of the macOS section in case you can't see anything. Timing is everything.


Welcome to the Hacktivity 2018 badge challenge!

This challenge consists of several tasks with one or more levels of
difficulty. They are all connected in some way or another to HW RE
and there's no competition, the whole purpose is to learn things.

Note: we recommend turning on local echo in your terminal!
Also, feel free to ask for hints at the Hackcenter!

Choose your destiny below:

1. Visual HW debugging
2. Reverse engineering
3. RF hacking
4. Crypto protection

Enter the number of the challenge you're interested in and press [
Excellent, now you are ready to hack this! In case you are lost in controlling the screen command, go to

I will not spoil any fun in giving out the challenge solutions here. It is still your task to find solutions for these.

But here is a catch. You can get a root shell on the device. And it is pretty straightforward. Just carefully remove the Omega shield from the badge. Now you see two jumpers; by default, these are connected together as UART1. As seen below.

But what happens if you move these jumpers to UART0? Guess what, you can get a root shell! This is what I call privilege escalation on the HW level :) But first, let's connect the Omega shield back. Also, for added fun, this new interface speaks on 115200 baud, so you should change your screen parameters to 115200. Also, the new interface has a different ID under /dev, but I am sure you can figure this out from now on.

If you connect to the device during boot time, you can see a lot of exciting debug information about the device. And after it boots, you just get a root prompt. Woohoo! 
But what can you do with this root access? Well, for starters, how about running 
# strings hello | less

From now on, you are on your own to hack this badge. Happy hacking.
Big thanks to Attila Marosi-Bauer and Hackerspace Budapest for developing this badge and the contests.

PS: In case you want to use the radio functionality of the badge, see below how you should solder the parts to it. By default, you can process slow speed radio frequency signals on GPIO19. But for higher transfer speeds, you should wire the RF module DATA OUT pin with the RX1 free together.

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  1. Amiibo Hacking
  2. Hacking Netflix Account
  3. Growth Hacking Cursos
  4. Linux Hacking Distro
  5. Aprender A Ser Hacker
  6. Herramientas De Seguridad Informatica
  7. Servicio Hacker
  8. Growth Hacking Instagram
  9. Start Hacking
  10. Herramientas Hacking