
sábado, 29 de febrero de 2020

information about email marketing

Good morning

My name is Fabián Torre and I´m a EmailMarketing technician
I would like to know if you are interested in receiving
information about products and services of EmailMarketing, and to
what email address I can send it.

Thanks a lot

Whatsapp: +55 719 9313-1792
Skype: chronskype

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

En VENTAS lo más importante es CERRAR #De prospecto a cliente ¡Últimos Lugares! 38271


VENDE MÁS en menos tiempo Conecta y Cautiva con Neuroventas

Pocos cierres, muchas objeciones y aplazamientos....Es Momento de Renovar tus Argumentos de Venta.

Mucho gusto en saludarte. ¿Has escuchado hablar sobre 'Neuro Ventas/Marketing?

Es uno de los temas de nuestro curso, que puedas captar la atención de tu cliente y transmitir mensajes contundentes con menos palabras,

utilizando estratégicamente argumentos de poder que impacten a la mente.

Sintetizamos lo mejor de 4 metodologías para que puedas incrementar tu capacidad de argumentar, empatizar y

sobre todo optimizar tiempos en tu proceso de ventas.



Ojalá nos puedan acompañar, por favor cualquier detalle para apoyarlos háganmelo saber


Aplica las mejores técnicas a nivel mundial y sé un Líder de Ventas.


Escríbanos a

Por favor responda este correo electrónico con sus datos.




Número de interesados:

CONTÁCTENOS: Teléfono (33) 3165-8665 Whatsapp: 332258-3481 Escríbanos a

Coach registrado ante la STPS comprometidos con su crecimiento profesional.

Incluye todo para que su participación sea un éxito.

*Coffee break (Agua embotellada, refresco, café, galletas y crudites)

*Materiales de trabajo. (Pluma, block de notas, evaluaciones y test).

*Comida en el Hotel sede.

*Reconocimiento impreso con validez ante la STPS.

*Firma de formato DC-3 STPS

*Presentación digital.

Nuestra intención es generar valor y conectar con posibles clientes, si usted no desea recibir más promociones como ésta, una disculpa, responda a este correo con la palabra BAJA escrita en el asunto y en un lapso máximo de 24 hrs. su correo será eliminado de nuestras listas.

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020

Calendario Marzo-Abril 2020 Alta Calidad en Capacitacion

Reserve su lugar con anticipación.
-Obtenga los Descuentos de Preventa y Pronto Pago-

Para solicitar el Temario ó más información de nuestros eventos solo responda a esta invitación con los siguientes datos:

Curso ó Cursos de Interés:
Nombre Completo:

y en breve un ejecutivo se lo hará llegar.

MARZO 2020






Administración Eficiente en el Mantenimiento de Flotillas de Autotransporte.


Nóminas: Sueldos y Salarios en Empresas de Autotransporte - Actualización 2020 -



KPI´s: Diseño y Comprensión de los Indicadores de Desempeño en las Logística.




Reglamentos Federales del Autotransporte en México.


Análisis Integral del Régimen Fisca de las Empresas de Transporte en el 2020




Administración y Control Eficiente de Llantas




Estructura de Tarifas del Autotransporte de Carga.




Taller-Teórico Práctico Sobre El Servicio de Grúas Federales Regulación, Tarifas, Derechos del Usuario y Más.




Maximización de la Carga y su Impacto Económico en el Costo Lógistico.




Actualización y Conservación de su Certificación C-TPAT - Nuevos Criterios Mínimos de Seguridad 2020-




Cómo Disminuir la Siniestralidad Vial en Empresas de Autotransporte.




Curso Especializado de Recursos Humanos Para Empresas de Autotransporte.




Taller Teórico-Práctico de Prevención del Robo al Autotransporte de Carga.




La Evolución de la Empresa Familiar a la Institucionalización - Enfoque en la Empresa de Autotransporte-

ABRIL 2020








Normas y Reglamentos Para el Transporte de Materiales y Residuos Peligrosos.




Administración Integral de una Flotilla de Autotransporte - Del Diagnóstico a la Operación -




Ahorro y Uso Eficiente del Combustible en Empresas de Autotransporte.




Inteligencia Emocional Aplicada a la Conducción Para la Prevención de Accidentes.




Curso Básico de Peritaje en Hechos de Tránsito Terrestre.




Captación, Selección e Integración Efectiva de Operadores de Autotransporte.




Monitoreo Satelital GPS: Cómo Aprovechar al Máximo su Sistema de Rastreo.




Cómo Transformar la Actitud de los Operadores de Autotransporte.




Mapeo de Procesos Para la Mejora Continua en las Operaciones de Transporte.




Formación de Auditores Internos C-TPAT Para Empresas de Trasporte con CRUCE a USA

Centro de Atención Telefónica: 800 212 0746

Mensajes Vía WhatsApp: (55) 68 96 43 61

Lic. Suria Herrera,  Ejecutiva Comercial ¡Será un placer atenderle!

Si deseas recibir únicamente el calendario mensual de nuestros eventos, actualice sus datos aquí.

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Si no pertenece al sector y no desea recibir actualizaciones al respecto,
solicite su baja aquí.

En VENTAS lo más importante es CERRAR #De prospecto a cliente ¡Últimos Lugares! 38271


VENDE MÁS en menos tiempo Conecta y Cautiva con Neuroventas

Pocos cierres, muchas objeciones y aplazamientos....Es Momento de Renovar tus Argumentos de Venta.

Mucho gusto en saludarte. ¿Has escuchado hablar sobre 'Neuro Ventas/Marketing?

Es uno de los temas de nuestro curso, que puedas captar la atención de tu cliente y transmitir mensajes contundentes con menos palabras,

utilizando estratégicamente argumentos de poder que impacten a la mente.

Sintetizamos lo mejor de 4 metodologías para que puedas incrementar tu capacidad de argumentar, empatizar y

sobre todo optimizar tiempos en tu proceso de ventas.



Ojalá nos puedan acompañar, por favor cualquier detalle para apoyarlos háganmelo saber


Aplica las mejores técnicas a nivel mundial y sé un Líder de Ventas.


Escríbanos a

Por favor responda este correo electrónico con sus datos.




Número de interesados:

CONTÁCTENOS: Teléfono (33) 3165-8665 Whatsapp: 332258-3481 Escríbanos a

Coach registrado ante la STPS comprometidos con su crecimiento profesional.

Incluye todo para que su participación sea un éxito.

*Coffee break (Agua embotellada, refresco, café, galletas y crudites)

*Materiales de trabajo. (Pluma, block de notas, evaluaciones y test).

*Comida en el Hotel sede.

*Reconocimiento impreso con validez ante la STPS.

*Firma de formato DC-3 STPS

*Presentación digital.

Nuestra intención es generar valor y conectar con posibles clientes, si usted no desea recibir más promociones como ésta, una disculpa, responda a este correo con la palabra BAJA escrita en el asunto y en un lapso máximo de 24 hrs. su correo será eliminado de nuestras listas.

informaciones sobre email marketing

Buenos dias

Mi nombre es Fabián Torre y técnico en EmailMarketing.
Me agradaria saber si les interesa recibir informaciones sobre
productos y servicios de EmailMarketing, y a que email puedo enviarlas.

Muchas gracias

Whatsapp: +55 719 9313-1792
Skype: chronskype

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020

Thank you for your interest

Dear all,

Please take note that our next meeting will be postponed to the week after.
Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,

BH Collection

Analisis Integral del Regimen Fiscal de las Empresas de Transporte en el 2020

Realice casos prácticos para la declaración anual 2019

¡Reserve su lugar hoy mismo, no se quede sin participar!

Análisis Integral del Régimen Fiscal de las Empresas
de Transporte en el 2020

25 de Febrero - Ciudad de México.
19 de Marzo - Ciudad de México.

Le presentamos una oportunidad única de asistir a este magnífico programa de análisis integral, teórico - práctico de las disposiciones fiscales. Un reconocido experto estará con usted para guiarlo en la actualización de las distintas obligaciones fiscales en el 2019 con el fin de tomar las medidas adecuadas y las posibles alternativas que pueden aplicar las empresas de transporte.

Obtenga extraordinarios beneficios como:

- Cumplir en forma adecuada con las obligaciones fiscales, eliminando posibles contingencias.
- Identificar la problemática y las alternativas de solución para los transportistas que no son coordinados y en qué régimen deben tributar.
- Identificar y aplicar los beneficios fiscales al autotransporte, los cuales nos harán disminuir nuestra carga tributaria.
- Proporcionar al SAT una balanza de comprobación que cumpla con las disposiciones fiscales relativas al transporte. Entre otros beneficios...

Solicite el Temario y más información Aquí

Contáctenos por WhatsApp Presione Aquí

Centro de Atención Telefónica : 01.800.212.0746
Mensajes Vía WhatsApp: (55) 6896.43.61

Este curso también puede ser impartido en su empresa de manera privada.
Solicite una cotización INCOMPANY Aquí

Lic. Darling Torres, Ejecutiva Comercial ¡Será un placer atenderle!

Si deseas recibir únicamente el calendario mensual de nuestros eventos, actualice sus datos aquí.

Este mensaje le ha sido enviado como usuario o bien un usuario le refirió para recibirlo.
Si no pertenece al sector y no desea recibir actualizaciones al respecto,
solicite su baja aquí.

Italian Wars Campaigning

An interesting question came up on the Twitters whilst I was chatting about my review of the Furioso rule set, what about a Campaign System ? You know each player is a Condottiero building his forces and manoeuvring for position, fortune and fame in late 15th Century Italy, that sort of thing.

Well sit back, I think I have found it.

I present Dell'arte Del La Guerra from a Company who are new too me Real Time Wargames. I found them during a random search on the Googles, I couldn't find much information or reviews about them on the tinterwebnet so I took a punt.

The book has a Campaign System for up to 6 players to take the role of a Condottiero in the late 15th Century in the years leading up to the French Invasion in 1495 (or invitation depending on your viewpoint), everything I mentioned in my opening paragraph.

They are avaliable as a PDF for around £10 from Wargames Vault (you would need to print and mount the game cards this way) or direct from the company as a printed version complete with gaming aids for £20 (link below)

I bought the printed version and if it's your thing I would go for that version as will become plain during the review.

The Contents

First thing to say is that the book also has some tabletop rules within them, this review does not cover that part of the publication, I am happy with Furioso at the moment. 1st off a video covering the physical content of the book.

For those who don't do the Utube here are some stills of content. The use of the cards becomes clearer when watched in conjunction with the game play video.

Above are the game mats included in the printed version, we have,

  1. A fast play sheet for the tabletop rules
  2. A chart for recording current financial details of the players and the City States involved.
  3. A campaign chart for army movement.
  4. A Chart for recording passage of time during the Campaign 

A set of Unit Cards for each of the Condottiero, defining two units from that army, they are printed on decent card and are good quality. Each of the 6 players have 10 cards each.

Next up are three sets of cards, one each for the two schools of warfare in the game. These are specifically for the tabletop rules and are used to influence game play, however I don't think they would be too difficult to adapt to whatever rule set you use.

The third deck are objective cards, these are drawn at random each game year and provide a focus for the campaign.

Above is a picture of the remaining cards in the set, there a unit cards for the City States (50 cards) plus a number of cards representing the French Invaders.

The rest of the cards are for use on the Campaign Charts shown above, things like markers for money on the finance chart, army position markers, debt markers for money owed etc

In fact everything you need, bar a few dice and a deck of playing cards. There are hundreds of cards here and for me, well worth the extra 10 quid.

Campaign Game Play

The next section covers an example of the set up and workings of the Campaign, I have done this solely on the Utubes as it's much easier to present that way.

Hopefully that will have given you an idea of the rule set and how they might work for you. Don't forget they include a tabletop rule set as well.

The movement map for the armies is very straight forward and some may miss a more traditional map based system but it's a nice simple way of working out Army Movement and we will definitely be giving it a go. 

I'm off to raise (ok paint) some more troops for his Holiness, "Viva il Papa"

VENDE MÁS en menos tiempo #Palabras que Activan #De prospecto a Cliente 38271


VENDE MÁS en menos tiempo Conecta y Cautiva con Neuroventas

Pocos cierres, muchas objeciones y aplazamientos....Es Momento de Renovar tus Argumentos de Venta.

Mucho gusto en saludarte. ¿Has escuchado hablar sobre 'Neuro Ventas/Marketing?

Es uno de los temas de nuestro curso, que puedas captar la atención de tu cliente y transmitir mensajes contundentes con menos palabras,

utilizando estratégicamente argumentos de poder que impacten a la mente.

Sintetizamos lo mejor de 4 metodologías para que puedas incrementar tu capacidad de argumentar, empatizar y

sobre todo optimizar tiempos en tu proceso de ventas.



Ojalá nos puedan acompañar, por favor cualquier detalle para apoyarlos háganmelo saber


Aplica las mejores técnicas a nivel mundial y sé un Líder de Ventas.


Escríbanos a

Por favor responda este correo electrónico con sus datos.




Número de interesados:

CONTÁCTENOS: Teléfono (33) 3165-8665 Whatsapp: 332258-3481 Escríbanos a

Coach registrado ante la STPS comprometidos con su crecimiento profesional.

Incluye todo para que su participación sea un éxito.

*Coffee break (Agua embotellada, refresco, café, galletas y crudites)

*Materiales de trabajo. (Pluma, block de notas, evaluaciones y test).

*Comida en el Hotel sede.

*Reconocimiento impreso con validez ante la STPS.

*Firma de formato DC-3 STPS

*Presentación digital.

Nuestra intención es generar valor y conectar con posibles clientes, si usted no desea recibir más promociones como ésta, una disculpa, responda a este correo con la palabra BAJA escrita en el asunto y en un lapso máximo de 24 hrs. su correo será eliminado de nuestras listas.

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2020

Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (PC)

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Remake Title Screen PC
Developer:Sega Studios Australia|Release Date:2013|Systems:Win, PS3, Xbox 360, iOS, Windows Phone, Android, OS X

This week on Super Adventures, I'm playing Castle of Illusion! Again!

I didn't mean to, not originally. I just wanted to grab a couple of screenshots for my article about the Mega Drive game, to show what the remake looked like by comparison. But it turns out that they've remade a lot more than just the graphics, so I decided to give it its own article instead.

I've had this one lying around my in my Steam library unplayed for three years now, ever since they cunningly manipulated me into buying it by announcing it was going to be taken off the store. Sure it was almost certainly going to be put back on eventually, but what if it wasn't? I could've missed my chance to ever play the game! (It came back seven months later).

This Castle of Illusion first came out in 2013, 23 years after the original (and 6 years before now) and it was the last game to be made by Sega Studios Australia. They'd been around for about 10 years by that point and had been known as Creative Assembly Australia for most of it, developing games like Medieval II: Total War and London 2012 - the officially licensed game of the 2012 Olympic Games. Not a whole lot of platformers though, unless you count a port of the 2D Sonic games to the DS, so that's not massively encouraging. But hey the other Creative Assembly came out with Alien: Isolation out of nowhere and everyone loves that except me, so maybe this is actually really good!

Read on »

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020

Envios Masivos por WhatsApp Marketing -

Envíe campañas de mensajes masivos vía whatsapp a todo México, con resultados garantizados. La plataforma Nr1 del mercado.

Envío masivo vía Whatsapp for Business con número de remitente propio y respuestas disponibles.

  • Número de Remitente Propio
  • Respuestas
  • Mensajes o Notificaciones en tiempo real
  • Envíos por mes: 5.000 mensajes
  • Informes enviados, entregados y leídos
  • API http webserive: CRM integración (Coste adicional)

Casos de éxito:ña-eficaz

¿TE LLAMAMOS? sin compromiso te daremos más información y responderemos a tus dudas sobre nuestras soluciones.

Difusión Masiva:

Comunique ofertas, novedades, listas de precios o simplemente posicione su marca en el bolsillo de su cliente.

Whatsapp for Business

Número de remitente propio


Envíos en tiempo real

BOT disponible


Informe deuda :

Envíe mensajes personalizados para lograr recuperar deudas, morosos o solo para informar fechas de pagos recurrentes.

En todas las soluciones poseemos sistemas de integración por API http webservice y garantía de efectividad en los envíos masivos con estadisticas. Somos una agencia de Marketing Digital en España asociada a Facebook developers, con soluciones tanto en Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram y Envío masivo por correo electrónico.

Somos la plataforma Nr 1 de Envíos masivos en canales como Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, Email Marketing y Google. Fundada en el año 2014

¿TE LLAMAMOS? sin compromiso te daremos más información y responderemos a tus dudas sobre nuestras soluciones.


SHOUT Marketing SL (en adelante, WhatsappMarketing), con C.I.F. número B-93333912
De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 22 de la Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico, así como en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y cancelar sus datos.

Puedes acceder, rectificar o cancelar los datos personales que nos ha facilitado contactando con nosotros mediante correo electrónico a, indicando su nombre y apellidos y su correo electrónico. Escribiendo en el asunto 'ELIMINAR Datos Personales', o si lo prefiere click en Desuscribirse.


 Ya no deseo recibir estos email.
Malaga Malaga .


Adquiera una solo conexión y capacite a todo su personal!!!
La respuesta a sus necesidades de Capacitación ¡Desde donde estes!

Programa Online Especializado: PARA SUPERVISORES Y JEFES

Este programa de Cursos Especializados están disponibles para que usted lo vea desde cualquier dispositivo donde usted se encuentre, ¡o para que lo proyecte a todos sus colaboradores!

26 de Febrero La Administración de Operadores, clave para el Éxito de la Empresa de Autotransporte
11 de Marzo Selección Exitosa de Operadores de Autotransporte
27 de Marzo Gestión del Desempeño de Operadores de Autotransporte
3 de Abril Manejo de Conflictos y Comunicación Efectiva con Operadores de Autotransporte

Intercar Training le trae hoy este indispensable programa online de profesionalización, para aquellos encargados de seleccionar, capacitar y supervisar la operación de los conductores.

De tal forma que puedan formar personal mejor calificado y adaptado a las exigencias que la modernización del transporte por carretera demanda.
¡Éste es el mejor y más completo programa de actualización para todo el personal involucrado en planificar y controlar organizadamente a los conductores!

Solicite el Temario Aquí ó si lo desea Solicítelo por WhatsApp Aquí

Obtenga excelentes descuentos en los paquetes empresarial ó corporativo.

¿Cuentas con un grupo de 10 participantes ó más?¡Ahorre  y  lleve este curso a su empresa!Solicite una cotización Incompany Aquí

Centro de Atención Telefónica: 99 96 89 22 82
Mensajes vía WhatsApp:  (55)6896.43.61

Lic. Itza Llaven, Líder de Proyectos ¡Será un placer atenderle!

Si deseas recibir únicamente el calendario mensual de nuestros eventos, actualice sus datos aquí.

Este mensaje le ha sido enviado como usuario o bien un usuario le refirió para recibirlo.
Si no pertenece al sector y no desea recibir actualizaciones al respecto,
solicite su baja aquí.

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020

The Dark Untold Story Of PUBG Sanhok Map

SANHOK, unlike other PUBG maps, is 4×4 km wide consisting of the jungles and mountains. But there is a dark story behind this jungle map. Many PUBG players have complained of seeing a ghost or spiritual activities in this horror map. The story behind this map is more terrifying.

    It was the ancient time when kings ruled their kingdoms. The island of Sanhok was ruled by a cruel king. As per their traditions and rituals the first daughter of the villagers, when reached the age of 14, would be sacrificed in the name of GOD. They were killed in a cave such that their blood was allowed to drop in the cave and then their dead bodies were buried in ruins. ( In the game both the cave and ruins are present. Also one can notice the water full of blood inside the cave)

               They kept doing it until one day the king had died suddenly. The reason was unknown. One of the king's man became the next king only to die the same way the earlier king had died.

                     The villagers believed that the ghost of the girls who were sacrificed was the reason behind the death of the kings. It was very terrifying for them.

                      They made dolls of the girls who were sacrificed because they hoped that the ghost would be stuck in the dolls and would not kill them. In the real game, the dolls can be found in many locations. Also, many horror sightings were seen by many players.

     Some images of horror sightings are given below :


               Having no king to rule, the civilians were divided into two groups. One supporting the ritual and the other one opposing the ritual. The ironic thing is that the supporting group thought that the paranormal activities are because GOD is angry with the opposing group and the opposing group thought that the paranormal activities are because of the supporting group.

      The role of PUBG players on this island is either the ritual supporting or the opposing group. Which group in your opinion is correct? Answer us by leaving a comment below. 
    Note : 

         ▪ The name 'Sanhok' has been derived from the combination of the Thai word for 'fun' pronounced as sah-nook and the Filipino word for chicken pronounced as 'mah-nook'.
       ▪ There is no strong proof that this story for Sanhok is true but according to many players and some evidence of horror, activities increases the trueness of this story.


Escribo en nombre de HLSC CONSULTORES SC México; invitar a su empresa a presentar una oferta para suministrar sus productos y servicios a los gobiernos de EE. UU. / México / Canadá en virtud del reciente acuerdo de libre comercio renegociado (USMCA).

Por favor confirme su interés en esta licitación; por lo tanto, enviando su catálogo de productos y lista de precios para 2020.

Le proporcionaremos acceso a toda la información electrónica con respecto al proceso de licitación.

Nota: Con respecto a las directivas de los gobiernos de EE. UU. / MÉXICO / CANADÁ; El proceso de registro de ofertas y su documentación se realizará en inglés o español.

Jose Roberto

Head of Operations
RFC:  HLS120727LKS
Skype : live:info-hlsc

ICQ: 720138651
OFFICE: 7791021427

MOBILE: +52 (1) 5565210805
WHATSAPP: +52 (1) 5565210805
ADDRESS: Rio Guadalquivir no. 66 4to. 
Piso, Col Guerrero, delegación Cuauhtémoc México, Distrito Federal 06500.


This e-mail and the information it contains, is for the use of the addressee(s) and may be privileged. Unauthorized use, disclosure or copying is strictly prohibited. We shall not be liable for the consequences of faults in transmission and/or mutilations of this e-mail message, nor for any transmitted viruses. If you are not the/an addressee and are in possession of this e-mail, please notify us immediately .

Good Turnout At Gauteng Level 1 Umpire'S Course.

All the successful participants of MSSA's Gauteng level 1 umpire's course.
There is no doubt that in order for the standard of gaming to improve, all the support services attached to the industry need to also be improved upon.

Thus Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA), pays particular atttention to the standard of umpiring, and has done so since its inception in 1985.

MSSA's umpires, as as MSSA President Amanda Kwaza, claims, MSSA's front line, for it is the umpires that deal face-to-face with the competitive athletes at a competition, and often have to deal with the press and team management.

Much falls on the broad shoulders of the umpires, making there herculean efforts of great importance and making the umpires a vital cog in the growth of MSSA's activities.

Not only did the Gauteng Level 1 course see an increase in the total numbers attend, but it also saw the number of clubs, and the number of women increase. There were even participants from Botswana and Zimbabwe.

MSSA's umpire's courses are the oldest established such courses among all of IESF's member national federations, and MSSA has had a system in place for accrediting umpires since 1988.

With the increase of participation, it is clear that MSSA is continuing with solid sustainable growth, and will be ablee to deliver more-and-more to its member clubs, Registered Players, and the entire gaming community.

Also read:


I decided that it might be helpful to go over some of what goes on in the background as it may help shed a light on the next post of 'THE STATE OF DFG AS A BUSINESS AND WHERE TO GO', as well as provide some insight on where the hell has Mark been and why I have made some of the decisions I will talk about in the next post, or two or three…..

Some have asked if DFG is still in business, yes we are, and what you see available on the store is in stock and ready to ship. We did pull out of the supply chain late last year, which I will go over in this post and the next couple of posts. 

Some have said, that I should have kept my customers in the loop and posted about the good and the bad.
Yes, he's right... Hopefully the next few posts will help shed some light on that aspect.

What has happened since WGF closed its retail side. The last 2 years have been packed with educational opportunities.

Old news with some insight:

WGF shutters it sales end, I take over distribution, while this is in progress there were some talks with a company about taking over the line, this did not come to fruition. We simply ran out of time as the product needed to be in a new home before WGF closed out its US warehouse. There is some time spent setting up the infrastructure, warehouse, etc. Setting up Website interfaces for wholesale ordering, which was pretty much a waste of time as most wholesalers/Retailers would much prefer to send an order in, in whatever format their system kicks out.

Once the dust settled a bit. I started tracking sales closely, place a restock order for some products that are running very low and wait for the restock…and wait…. Eventually they arrive with a couple of new releases that I know will not have much of an effect on the bottom line or excitement. The molds had already been cut and it was a good test for a rather lackluster release to see what that looked like. This was an important test for me, I knew it was going to be a soft release and I knew that I had to plan for such releases to happen now and then. Its not that I wanted them to fail, I just knew they would not be big hits, as did the supply chain. This would give me a base line and let me know what was at risk form an investment standpoint if a release just did not take, I will just say, its not pretty and leave it at that….

Exploring possibilities:
Sufficed to say, there have been a LOT of false starts, exploring possibilities that eventually come to a decision not to peruse the opportunity This is often not anyone's fault, just two parties feeling out the opportunities and seeing if there is a way to make something happen. In the end it comes down to a dollars and cents business decision. Most of the time one party or both is simply not in the position at that moment to monopolize on the opportunity. Some explorations are covered by NDA and even those that are not, I will not be going into details about who and what, etc.

Between the time I took over distribution and now, I have explored with various entities many possible business opportunities, some of these took days, some, months. It just depended on where the conversation took us and what possibilities were on the table.
I am quick to 'pick up the phone' and chat with anyone about possibilities I am also quick to get down to remuneration, although this aspect often takes some time to work out details. End of the day, everyone involved needs to be compensated in one way or another.

Then we come to 2017:
I finalize a few files for production (StuG tank, Shadokesh and Ferals) and start exploring other manufacturing avenues… (more on why later) Finding a proper manufacture takes a great deal of time a load of back and forth and some minor testing to at least make sure each possibility is viable from a cost and quality standpoint.

That damn bottom line:
I had one last the opportunity to explore a partnership possibility with a very nice, energetic and competent individual, that honestly would have been a breath of fresh air. 
Still being in distribution, I had reservations about the profit margins and the ability to provide a fair return to the partner. Entering into that kind of arrangement needs to be good for everyone involved and I could not see a way to guarantee that individual a fair return on investment, so I thought it best not to proceed with that avenue.

I already knew that things had stalled a long time ago but looking at this from strictly a bottom line perspective after exploring the partnership possibility, the margin concerns, now brought into full view, cemented the path forward. I decided late in the year to remove my products form distribution, as I could not see a way to release new products at reasonable price to my customers and still satisfy the supply chain discounts. This was a rather painful decision as it meant leaving behind long standing relationships to try and forge a path forward.

When it comes to many of my retail customers, I have known many of these individuals for quite a while, corresponding with them and sending out marketing packets for releases, teasing products and sending out samples for review, etc. Some of the direct retailer contacts were the best experiences I have had…. They have all been very good to me and if I had the ability to do so and not drop into the red, I would still be selling to them. Having said that, I would not be talking so openly right now either, I understand promises, expectations and statements need to be tethered as you are in a business relationship that is mutually beneficial and that setting them up for failure you are setting yourself up as well.

Add the normal life things, a home remodel performed on the cheap by yours truly and other such things and the year slipped on by before I had a chance to say hello to it.