
viernes, 29 de junio de 2018

Evento Especial: Contabilidad para Restaurantes

| ¡2x1 en todos nuestros seminarios! |
Quedan 5 lugares disponibles

Evento Especial: Contabilidad para Restaurantes
17 de julio, 2018 - CD. DE MEXICO

 Único en Latinoamérica

 Los contadores de restaurantes deben ser conscientes del flujo de caja, inventarios y gastos que conllevan la operación de los mismos; además de utilizar el sistema de contabilidad para documentar con precisión todas las transacciones financieras.

 Ante este reto de mantener un control adecuado de todos los movimientos que se generan en un día en un restaurante, ofrecemos este curso para que mejore y optimice su función administrativa, operativa y financiera.

Contacto  personalizado con un ejecutivo:
018003337726 o al 5521860384

En FORSUA sabemos que una mala administración en un restaurante, puede reducir las ganancias en un 90%.  Con este curso de contabilidad para restaurantes obtendrá herramientas poderosas para mejorar esta área de su negocio. 

Los restaurantes, en su mayoría de los casos, abren todos los días y tienen horarios largos. Junto con los ingresos vienen todos los gastos, incluidos los sueldos y los costos. Todas estas tareas pueden complicar la función de un contador.

Solicitar el temario Completo:

ACTIVE 2x1 Y DESCARGUE TEMARIO RESPONDIENDO con la palabra  Contabilidad en el asunto y en el cuerpo del mensaje su Nombre y Teléfono para ofrecerle atención personalizada.

¡Será un placer atenderle!
Lic. Alexander Pérez
Lider de Proyectos FORSUA
Este mensaje fue enviado a por
Calle 3 Campestre, Merida, Yucatan 97120, Mexico

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Fundamentos Tecnicos de la Elaboracion de Cerveza

| ¡2x1 en todos nuestros seminarios! |
Quedan 5 lugares disponibles

Fundamentos Técnicos de la Elaboración de Cerveza
20 de julio, 2018 - CD. DE MEXICO

Único en Latinoamérica


Contacto  personalizado con un ejecutivo:
018003337726 o al 5521860384

En los últimos años el sector turístico ha realizado una fuerte apuesta por la calidad en el servicio, instalaciones y actividades que satisfagan las nuevas preferencias de los viajeros.

Con este curso, ud podrá aplicar el concepto de calidad y valores al estilo Disney en todas las áreas que conforman su hotel, y obtener un exitoso nivel de liderazgo y compromiso laboral.

Solicitar el temario Completo:

ACTIVE 2x1 Y DESCARGUE TEMARIO RESPONDIENDO con la palabra  CERVEZA en el asunto y en el cuerpo del mensaje su Nombre y Teléfono para ofrecerle atención personalizada.

¡Será un placer atenderle!
Cinthya Sanchez
Lider de Proyectos FORSUA
Este mensaje fue enviado a por
Calle 3 Campestre, Merida, Yucatan 97120, Mexico

Cancelar suscripción de cualquier envío futuro Cancelar Suscripción | Administre su Suscripción | Remitir Email | Reportar Abuso

Calidad del Servicio y Atención al Cliente para Hoteles

| ¡2x1 en todos nuestros seminarios! |
Solo 20 cupones disponibles

Calidad del Servicio y Atención al Cliente para Hoteles
(Metodología Disney)
17 de julio, 2018 - CD. DE MEXICO

Contacto  personalizado con un ejecutivo:
018003337726 o al 5521860384

En los últimos años el sector turístico ha realizado una fuerte apuesta por la calidad en el servicio, instalaciones y actividades que satisfagan las nuevas preferencias de los viajeros.

Con este curso, ud podrá aplicar el concepto de calidad y valores al estilo Disney en todas las áreas que conforman su hotel, y obtener un exitoso nivel de liderazgo y compromiso laboral.

Solicitar el temario Completo:

ACTIVE 2x1 Y DESCARGUE TEMARIO RESPONDIENDO con la palabra  DISNEY en el asunto y en el cuerpo del mensaje su Nombre y Teléfono para ofrecerle atención personalizada.

¡Será un placer atenderle!
Ruby Ake
Lider de Proyectos FORSUA
Este mensaje fue enviado a por
Calle 3 Campestre, Merida, Yucatan 97120, Mexico

Cancelar suscripción de cualquier envío futuro Cancelar Suscripción | Administre su Suscripción | Remitir Email | Reportar Abuso

Conviértase en un experto en el cultivo de hortalizas. Cupo limitado.

Contamos con un instructor experto que le ayudara a mejorar sus habilidades y recibir coaching en tiempo real.

Cultivo de Hortalizas en Invernadero
10 de agosto 2018 Guadalajara
24 de agosto 2018 CDMX

Conviértase en un experto en la precocidad del cultivo de hortalizas y la posibilidad de cultivar en periodos en los que el clima de la zona no lo permite.

El cultivo de hortalizas puede ser muy exigente en cuanto a temperatura y humedad. Adquiera valiosos conocimientos acerca de las ventajas y cuidados que hay que implementar.

¡Alcance esta gran oportunidad!
Cupo limitado.



WhatssApp: 55 21 86 03 84
Comuníquese a nuestra lada sin costo 01 800 333 7726

Si desea dejar de recibir información responda a este mensaje con la palabra "NOCAPACIT".


Gran oportunidad de inversion cultivando y produciendo jitomate

Evento especial con fecha única, quedan pocos lugares.

Evento Especial:Cultivo, Producción y Comercialización de Jitomate
10 de agosto del 2018 CDMX

Conviértase en un experto produciendo y exportando jitomate a grandes mercados nacionales e internacionales como Estados Unidos, Canadá y Japón.

Mejore su producción, conozca el diseño agronómico de su invernadero y la fisiología de la planta de jitomate. controle el clima y riego a nivel tecnológico, calcule y prepare soluciones nutritivas para las plantas y - Se actualizará en nuevas estrategias del control integrado de plagas y enfermedades que atacan al cultivo. Conozca nuevas estrategias del control integrado de plagas y enfermedades que atacan al cultivo.

Alcance esta gran oportunidad. Nuestros eventos son con cupo limitado para mejorar la experiencia de nuestros participantes en el networking.



WhatssApp: 55 21 86 03 84
Comuníquese a nuestra lada sin costo 01 800 333 7726

Si no desea seguir recibiendo informacion, responda a este mensaje con la palabra "NOCAPACIT".

Aproveche los ultimos lugares para garantizar la certificación y demanda de su producto Orgánico.

Preventa exclusiva para usuarios registrados

Evento Especial: Requisitos y Procesos para la Certificacion de Productos Orgánicos
31 de Julio CDMX

Conozca todos los requisitos, obtenga el sello dorado y ¡AUMENTE SUS INGRESOS!

Aproveche la creciente demanda en el consumo de productos saludables. Este seminario es una oportunidad para que los productores y proveedores conozcan de los requisitos y procesos que requieren para obtener el certificado y brindar mejores condiciones
laborales a los trabajadores, garantizando la calidad de su producto un 100%.

¡Alcance esta gran oportunidad!



WhatssApp: 55 21 86 03 84
Comuníquese a nuestra lada sin costo 01 800 333 7726

Si desea dejar de recibir información, responda este mensaje con la palabra "NOCAPACIT".

Elabore un proyecto digno de ganar cualquier convocatoria de financiamiento agrícola. Ultimos lugares.

Actualmente existen 1,097 programas de gobierno existentes para apoyo en financiamiento agrícola

Gestión de Fondos Disponibles Para el Sector Agropecuario 2018 - 2019
Guadalajara 9 Y 10 de agosto 2018
CDMX 23 Y 24 de agosto de 2018

¡Aprenda a conseguir financiamientos e inversiones disponibles en México!

Todos los agronegocios quieren incrementar sus ingresos y diversificarse, pero ¿quién tiene los fondos?, ¿dónde esta´n?, y ¿cómo se gestionan? En este seminario dominará los conocimientos que van desde los tipos de apoyo que puede obtener como empresa, hasta cómo planificar las necesidades de financiamiento para las unidades de producción.

¡Alcance esta gran oportunidad!
Ultimos lugares.



WhatssApp: 55 21 86 03 84
Comuníquese a nuestra lada sin costo 01 800 333 7726

Si desea dejar de recibir información, responda este mensaje con la palabra "NOCAPACIT".

Top 24 Best URL Shortener to Earn Money 2018

  1. is a newly launched trusted link shortener network, it is a sister site of I like ClkSh because it accepts multiple views from same visitors. If any one searching for Top and best url shortener service then i recommend this url shortener to our users. accepts advertisers and publishers from all over the world. It offers an opportunity to all its publishers to earn money and advertisers will get their targeted audience for cheapest rate. While writing ClkSh was offering up to $8 per 1000 visits and its minimum cpm rate is $1.4. Like Shrinkearn, url shorteners also offers some best features to all its users, including Good customer support, multiple views counting, decent cpm rates, good referral rate, multiple tools, quick payments etc. ClkSh offers 30% referral commission to its publishers. It uses 6 payment methods to all its users.
    • Payout for 1000 Views: Upto $8
    • Minimum Withdrawal: $5
    • Referral Commission: 30%
    • Payment Methods: PayPal, Payza, Skrill etc.
    • Payment Time: Daily

  2. Cut-win

    Cut-win is a new URL shortener website.It is paying at the time and you can trust it.You just have to sign up for an account and then you can shorten your URL and put that URL anywhere.You can paste it into your site, blog or even social media networking sites.It pays high CPM rate.
    You can earn $10 for 1000 views.You can earn 22% commission through the referral system.The most important thing is that you can withdraw your amount when it reaches $1.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$10
    • Minimum payout-$1
    • Referral commission-22%
    • Payment methods-PayPal, Payza, Bitcoin, Skrill, Western Union and Moneygram etc.
    • Payment time-daily

  3. is another trusted and fast growing site.You can earn by creating an account for free.You have to shorten your long URL into the short one.Then you can paste it into websites, blog, and social networking sites.You can earn $9 for 1000 views.they offer 20% referral commission for the lifetime.
    When your earning will reach $5 then you can claim your earning.Paypal is the only method through which you can withdraw your earnings.
    • Payout for 1000 views-$9
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-20%
    • Payment method-Paypal

  4. is also one of the 30 highest paying URL sites.You can earn through shortening links.When someone will click on your link.You will be paid.They offer $7 for 1000 views.Minimum payout is $5.
    You can earn through its referral program.When someone will open the account through your link you will get 10% commission.Payment option is PayPal.
    • Payout for 1000 views-$7
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-10%
    • Payout method-Paypal
    • Payout time-daily

  5. is also one of the best URL sites.It is a trusted site.You can earn simply by registering for an account.It's fast and free!then you can Find URLs you would like to monetize and shorten your links.You just have to Share your shortened links and drive traffic to your content.
    Then Earn money by sharing in the advertising revenues for each real visit to your links!You can earn $5 for 1000 views.Minimum payout is $5.You can earn extra money by their referral system.They offer 15% as a referral program.
    • Payout for 1000-$5
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-15%
    • Payment method-PayPal
    • Payment time-start of every month.

  6. Linkbucks

    Linkbucks is another best and one of the most popular sites for shortening URLs and earning money. It boasts of high Google Page Rank as well as very high Alexa rankings. Linkbucks is paying $0.5 to $7 per 1000 views, and it depends on country to country.
    The minimum payout is $10, and payment method is PayPal. It also provides the opportunity of referral earnings wherein you can earn 20% commission for a lifetime. Linkbucks runs advertising programs as well.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$3-9
    • Minimum payout-$10
    • Referral commission-20%
    • Payment options-PayPal,Payza,and Payoneer
    • Payment-on the daily basis

  7. is one of the fastest growing URL Shortener Service. Its pretty domain name is helpful in generating more clicks than other URL Shortener Services, and so you get a good opportunity for earning more money out of your shortened link. comes with several advanced features as well as customization options.
    With you can earn up to $8 per 1000 views. It also counts multiple views from same IP or person. With is becomes easy to earn money using its URL Shortener Service. The minimum payout is $5. Your earnings are automatically credited to your PayPal or Payoneer account on 1st or 15th of the month.
    • Payout for every 1000 views-$5
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-20%
    • Payout time-1st and 15th date of the month
    • Payout options-PayPal and Payza

  8. BLV.ME

    BLV.ME is one of the most trusted URL shortener sites.It pays high CPM rate.You can earn $10 for every 1000 views.One worst thing about is its referral system.
    They only offer 5% referral commission which is very much low.You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $10.You can claim your amount through Payza, Bank Transfer or Skrill.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$10
    • Minimum payout-$10
    • Referral commission-5%
    • Payout options-Payza, Skrill, and bank transfer
    • Payment time-at the end of the month

  9. Getsurl

    Getsurl is one of the best and high paying URL shortener website.If you are not getting high CPM rate from other websites then you should open an account on this website.It offers good CPM rate for all countries.You can earn $11 for 1000 views.
    You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $5.Referral commission is about 10%.You can withdraw your amount from lots of sources.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$11
    • Minimum payout amount-$5
    • Referral commission-10%
    • Payment methods-Paypal, Payoneer, Bitcoin, Vodafone cash etc
    • Payment time-net 25

  10. is one of the most trusted sites from our top 30 highest paying URL shorteners.It pays on time.intrusting thing is that same visitor can click on your shorten link multiple times.You can earn by sign up and shorten your long URL.You just have to paste that URL to somewhere.
    You can paste it into your website, blog, or social media networking sites.They offer $5 for every 1000 views.You can also earn 20% referral commission from this site.Their minimum payout amount is only $1.You can withdraw from Paypal, Payza, and Payoneer.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$5
    • Minimum payout-$1
    • Referral commission-20% for lifetime
    • Payment methods-Paypal, Payza, and Payoneer
    • Payment time-on daily basis

  11. provides a big opportunity for earning money by shortening links. It is a rapidly growing URL Shortening Service. You simply need to sign up and start shrinking links. You can share the shortened links across the web, on your webpage, Twitter, Facebook, and more. provides detailed statistics and easy-to-use API.
    It even provides add-ons and plugins so that you can monetize your WordPress site. The minimum payout is $5 before you will be paid. It pays users via PayPal or Payoneer. It has the best market payout rates, offering unparalleled revenue. also run a referral program wherein you can earn 20% extra commission for life.
  12. is one of the best and most trusted sites from our 30 highest paying URL shortener list.It is also one of the old URL shortener sites.You just have to sign up in the website. Then you can shorten your URL and can put that URL to your website, blog or any other social networking sites.
    Whenever any visitor will click your shortener URL link you will get some amount for that click.The payout rates from is very high.You can earn $20 for 1000 views.Visitor has to stay only for 5 seconds on the publisher site and then can click on skip button to go to the requesting site.
    • The payout for 1000 views- up to $20
    • Minimum payout-$1
    • Referral commission-25%
    • Payment methods-PayPal
    • Payment date-10th day of every month

  13. is one of the old URL shortener sites.It is a legit site.You just have open an account free.You can earn from this like other URL shortener companies.It offers the good CPM rate for all countries traffic.
    You can earn $4.65 for every 1000 views.The minimum payout rate is $5.ther offer 10% referral commission.PayPal and Payza are payment methods of
    • The payout for 1000 views-$4.65
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-10%
    • Payout methods-Payza and Paypal
    • Payment time-Biweekly

  14. CPMlink

    CPMlink is one of the most legit URL shortener sites.You can sign up for free.It works like other shortener sites.You just have to shorten your link and paste that link into the internet.When someone will click on your link.
    You will get some amount of that click.It pays around $5 for every 1000 views.They offer 10% commission as the referral program.You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $5.The payment is then sent to your PayPal, Payza or Skrill account daily after requesting it.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$5
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-10%
    • Payment methods-Paypal, Payza, and Skrill
    • Payment time-daily

  15. is another very popular and most trusted URL Shortening Company. comes as a user-friendly URL Shortener Service with many creative options for making money by monetizing the links you share. provides you an opportunity to earn from $5 to $15 per 1000 views for promoting their shortened links.
    For WordPress Bloggers, brings its WordPress Plugin which will help you greatly to boost your earnings. has a low minimum payout of $5.
    The payment is credited automatically on the 10th of each month. The payment methods include PayPal, Payoneer, and WebMoney. It also presents a referral earning opportunity wherein you can earn 20% commission on referrals for a lifetime.

    SHRINKPE.COM is also one of the best and most trusted shortener websites.It is also one of the fastest growing URL shortener sites.It is paying high for 1000 views.One of the best things about this site is that one visitor can click 15 times on your link and you will be paid for that clicks.
    You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $5.You can earn $9 for 1000 views.These rates are not permanent they change every time.They also depend on the advertisements currently available for the visitor's country.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$15
    • Minimum withdraw-$5 PayPal
    • Referral commission-20%
    • Payment methods-PayPal
    • Payment-instantly


    CLICKSFLY is a new URL shortener website.It pays high CPM rate.You just have to sign up and then you can shorten URL and can earn money when visitors will click on your URL link.You can earn $15 for 1000 views.One of the best thing about this website is that you can withdraw your amount when it reaches $3.
    You can earn 35% commission by referring other people to this website.If your visitors are from developing countries like Pakistan India etc then I will suggest you that you should open an account in CLICKSFLY because it pays $2.5 minimum for 1000 views.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$15
    • Minimum withdraw-$3
    • Referral commission-35%
    • Payment methods-PayPal, PAYTM
    • Payment time-daily

  18. LINK.TL

    LINK.TL is one of the best and highest URL shortener website.It pays up to $16 for every 1000 views.You just have to sign up for free.You can earn by shortening your long URL into short and you can paste that URL into your website, blogs or social media networking sites, like facebook, twitter, and google plus etc.
    One of the best thing about this site is its referral system.They offer 10% referral commission.You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $5.
    • Payout for 1000 views-$16
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-10%
    • Payout methods-Paypal, Payza, and Skrill
    • Payment time-daily basis

  19. BIT-URL

    It is a new URL shortener website.Its CPM rate is good.You can sign up for free and shorten your URL and that shortener URL can be paste on your websites, blogs or social media networking pays $8.10 for 1000 views.
    You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $ offers 20% commission for your referral link.Payment methods are PayPal, Payza, Payeer, and Flexy etc.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$8.10
    • Minimum payout-$3
    • Referral commission-20%
    • Payment methods- Paypal, Payza, and Payeer
    • Payment time-daily

  20. provides you an opportunity to earn money online by shortening URLs. is a very friendly URL Shortener Service as it enables you to earn money by shortening and sharing URLs easily. can pay you anywhere from $5 to $10 for your US, UK, and Canada visitors, whereas for the rest of the world the CPM will not be less than $2. You can sign up by using your email. The minimum payout is $5, and the payment is made via PayPal.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$7
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-20%
    • Payout options-PayPal, Payza, Bitcoin and Skrill
    • Payment time-daily

  21. is the oldest and one of the most trusted URL Shortener Service for making money by shrinking your links. provides you an opportunity to earn up to $5 per 1000 views. However, the earnings depend upon the demographics of users who go on to click the shortened link by
    It offers a very comprehensive reporting system for tracking the performance of your each shortened URL. The minimum payout is kept low, and it is $5. It pays on 10th of every month. You can receive your earnings via PayPal, Payza, or AlertPay. also runs a referral program wherein you can earn a flat 20% commission for each referral for a lifetime.
  22. Petty Link

    Shorten URLs and earn money with Petty Link which is one of the best URL Shortening for earning money online.
    Getting started is easy. You need to create an account, shorten your link, and start earning money. Petty is one of the best ways to earn extra money.
    You get to make money from home when managing and protecting your link. Using the Petty Link tool, you can create short links. What's best, you get paid. It's a completely free tool.
    You have to create an account, create a link, and post it. For every visit, you earn money. The payout is as much as $12 per 1000 views. Plus, you can get 21% Referral Bonus.
    It has the Petty Link Referral Program. Refer friends and receive 21% of their earnings for life.
    Its featured Administration Panel allows you to control all of the features with a click of a button. It offers detailed stats. You get to know your audience.
    It has a low minimum payout. You need to earn only $5.00 before you are paid. Payment method is PayPal. Moreover, Petty offers the highest rates.
    Plus, it has a dedicated support team to help you out in case you have any questions or issues.
  23. is one of the new URL shortener sites.You can trust it.It is paying and is a legit site.It offers high CPM rate.You can earn money by sing up to linkrex and shorten your URL link and paste it anywhere.You can paste it in your website or blog.You can paste it into social media networking sites like facebook, twitter or google plus etc.
    You will be paid whenever anyone will click on that shorten a link.You can earn more than $15 for 1000 views.You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $5.Another way of earning from this site is to refer other people.You can earn 25% as a referral commission.
    • The payout for 1000 views-$14
    • Minimum payout-$5
    • Referral commission-25%
    • Payment Options-Paypal,Bitcoin,Skrill and Paytm,etc
    • Payment time-daily

  24. Linkshrink

    Linkshrink URL Shortener Service provides you an opportunity to monetize links that you go on the Internet. Linkshrink comes as one of the most trusted URL Shortener Service. It provides an advanced reporting system so that you can easily track the performance of your shortened links. You can use Linkshrink to shorten your long URL. With Linkshrink, you can earn anywhere from $3 to $10 per 1000 views.
    Linkshrink provides lots of customization options. For example, you can change URL or have some custom message other than the usual "Skip this Ad" message for increasing your link clicks and views on the ad. Linkshrink also offers a flat $25 commission on your referrals. The minimum payout with Linkshrink is $5. It pays you through PayPal, Payza, or Bitcoin.