
martes, 4 de julio de 2017



How have you been? What is your name? Where are you from?
My name is Ksenia. I actually like to chat with you. What do you think about it?

I hope that in the near future we will talk with you, how you consider?
I'll wait for your letter with impatience and expect that it will be soon.
Have a wonderful day.
My email

Best wishes Ksenia



How have you been? What is your name? Where are you from?
My name is Ksenia. I actually like to chat with you. What do you think about it?

I hope that in the near future we will talk with you, how you consider?
I'll wait for your letter with impatience and expect that it will be soon.
Have a wonderful day.
My email

Best wishes Ksenia



How have you been? What is your name? Where are you from?
My name is Ksenia. I actually like to chat with you. What do you think about it?

I hope that in the near future we will talk with you, how you consider?
I'll wait for your letter with impatience and expect that it will be soon.
Have a wonderful day.
My email

Best wishes Ksenia



How have you been? What is your name? Where are you from?
My name is Ksenia. I actually like to chat with you. What do you think about it?

I hope that in the near future we will talk with you, how you consider?
I'll wait for your letter with impatience and expect that it will be soon.
Have a wonderful day.
My email

Best wishes Ksenia

Como Exportar a Estados Unidos con la FDA

Aprenda Cómo Facilitar el Paso de su Mercancía por la Aduana y la distribución en los puntos de venta en EUA

Requisitos "FDA"
para el etiquetado de Alimentos de Exportación (EE.UU.)

Exclusivas Presentaciones en:

21 JUL

25 JUL

28 JUL

¡Conozca los lineamientos de etiquetado "FDA"
y exporte con éxito sus productos alimenticios a Estados Unidos!

Conozca los requisitos y su correcta aplicación para el etiquetado de alimentos con vías de exportación a EUA, conforme al CFR (Código Federal de Regulaciones), disposiciones en las que se basa.

Para solicitar el Temario Completo incluyendo expositor y costos

Centro de Atención Telefónica
01 800 333 7726
Lic. Mauricio Ojeda

Usted conocerá al participar:

• Cómo etiquetar correctamente conforme a los lineamientos de la FDA.
• Cómo eliminar costos de reetiquetado.
• Cómo facilitar el paso de la mercancía por la aduana y la distribución en los puntos de venta en EUA.
• Cómo eliminar posibles sanciones, multas por incorrecto etiquetado.
• ¡Y mucho más!

Si el link no funciona puede responder este correo con el asunto "FDA"
junto con su
Nombre, Teléfono y Sede y nosotros
le haremos llegar la información

Obtenga Clientes Etiquetando de Manera Correcta - Etiquetado Comercial

Cumpla los Requerimientos Nutrimentales

Lo más importante de su producto: La Etiqueta
Etiquetado Comercial
de Alimentos y Bebidas
ONLINE en vivo
Para solicitar el Temario Completo incluyendo expositor y costos
Si el link no funciona puede
responder este correo con el asunto
junto con su
Nombre y Teléfono así nosotros le haremos llegar la información
Centro de Atención Telefónica
01 800 333 7726
A través de este evento usted conocerá:

• Los requisitos básicos de la etiqueta
• Las normas de etiquetado comercial vigentes
• Las entidades que vigilan el cumplimiento Normativo del etiquetado nutrimental
• Los criterios para el uso del DISTINTIVO NUTRIMENTAL
• ¡Y muchas cosas más!

2017 © FORSUA
Si no deseas recibir emails de nosotros puedes darte de baja .


Hello, Dear!
How is it going?
I'm Marie, may I ask your name?
I see you frequently visit this site, so I wanted to talk to you today but you had already left the chat.
I guess you would like to chat with me too, wouldn't you?..
Write me a few lines some time � believe me, you won't regret it, I guarantee.
I look forward to get a sweet e-mail from you.
My email (address)

Yours faithfully,


Hello, Dear!
How is it going?
I'm Marie, may I ask your name?
I see you frequently visit this site, so I wanted to talk to you today but you had already left the chat.
I guess you would like to chat with me too, wouldn't you?..
Write me a few lines some time � believe me, you won't regret it, I guarantee.
I look forward to get a sweet e-mail from you.
My email (address)

Yours faithfully,


Hello, Dear!
How is it going?
I'm Marie, may I ask your name?
I see you frequently visit this site, so I wanted to talk to you today but you had already left the chat.
I guess you would like to chat with me too, wouldn't you?..
Write me a few lines some time � believe me, you won't regret it, I guarantee.
I look forward to get a sweet e-mail from you.
My email (address)

Yours faithfully,