
miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017



En línea y en Vivo / Para todo su Equipo con una sola Conexión

Fórmulas y Atajos para el Manejo Óptimo de Excel
26 de julio - Online en Vivo - 15:00 a 18:00 Hrs       

El dominio de herramientas tecnologicas es una caracteristica basica de los profesionales, por lo cual es importante conocer las fórmulas y los atajos que tiene Excel y su fácil aplicabilidad, ya que todas las empresas terminan reportando en Excel. Hoy en día compatible con smartphones, tabletas, laptops, en la nube. ¡Todos utilizamos Excel, es flexible y cuenta con fórmulas y funciones para todo!



1.- Nivelación de conceptos básicos de Excel

2.- Diferencias entre fórmula y función

3.- Crear y remover subtotales

4.- Validar la captura de datos

¡Y mucho más!

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Lic. Marisol Velasco
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Lo mas Importante de su Producto: La Etiqueta

Aprenda los parámetros y herramientas para la realización de etiquetas en productos de alimentos y bebidas!

¿Sabía usted que el 75% de los consumidores deciden su compra basándose en la etiqueta?
Etiquetado Comercial
de Alimentos y Bebidas
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Centro de Atención Telefónica
01 800 333 7726
A través de este evento usted conocerá:

• Los requisitos básicos de la etiqueta
• Las normas de etiquetado comercial vigentes
• Las entidades que vigilan el cumplimiento Normativo del etiquetado nutrimental
• Los criterios para el uso del DISTINTIVO NUTRIMENTAL
• ¡Y muchas cosas más!

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Sustentabilidad y Agronegocios para Zonas Aridas

Acuda a este evento y descubra cómo invertir en zonas áridas sustentablemente!

Sustentabilidad y Agronegocios
con Baja Inversión en Zonas Áridas

Exclusivas Presentaciones en:

14 JUL

21 JUL

28 JUL

¡Acuda a este evento y descubra cómo invertir en zonas áridas sustentablemente!

Conozca las tecnologías de bajo costo diseñadas para superar las limitantes impuestas por la escasez de agua de lluvia y/o subterránea en el medio natural y, de este modo, obtenga información estratégica para analizar la viabilidad de iniciar o expandir sus Agronegocios hacia regiones áridas.

Para solicitar el Temario Completo incluyendo expositor y costos

Centro de Atención Telefónica
01 800 333 7726

Razones para asistir:

• Obtener una perspectiva general sobre áreas de oportunidad para desarrollar Agronegocios en zonas áridas de temporal.
• Conocer la oferta vigente de los subsidios gubernamentales orientados a desarrollar este tipo de proyectos.
• Conocer las regulaciones normativas a las que deben de sujetarse los proyectos destinados a habilitar sistemas rústicos de captación y manejo de escorrentías.
• ¡Y mucho más!

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Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi artevisual2.delarteatusojos,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Horacio Berger

Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi artevisual2.delarteatusojos,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Clement Good

Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi artevisual2.delarteatusojos,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Hai Holder

Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi artevisual2.delarteatusojos,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Gertrude Jackson

Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi artevisual2.delarteatusojos,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Marva Santana