
martes, 13 de junio de 2017

Transforme su Restaurante en una Maquina de Hacer Dinero - Aproveche esta Oportunidad

Reciba un Bombardeo de TÉCNICAS, RECETAS DE ÉXITO y CONSEJOS para aumentar radicalmente el flujo de caja, las ganancias y la clientela de su restaurante!

Cómo Hacer
Rentable y Exitoso un Restaurante


Para solicitar el Temario Completo incluyendo expositor y costos

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junto con su
Nombre, Teléfono y Sede y nosotros le haremos llegar la información

Acerca del evento:

Es tiempo de que aprenda el arte de ATRAER y FIDELIZAR clientes, ganando imagen, recomendación y profesionalización de todo su personal.

Al participar en este evento, será parte de un verdadero entrenamiento de guerra para quienes desean repotenciar su restaurante, haciéndolo más rentable, atractivo y exitoso, generando al mismo tiempo un equipo de colaboradores altamente comprometido, motivado y eficiente.

Centro de Atención Telefónica
01 800 333 7726

Razones importantes para asistir:

• Será capaz de crear estrategias de marketing contundentes y de gran impacto.
• Aprenderá a crear un "ambiente magnético" con un increíble poder de atracción.
• Aprenderá a utilizar el neuromarketing o marketing sensorial.
• DSabrá los errores más comunes a evitar.
• ¡Y mucho más!

Conozca y Aplique el Mejor Metodo para Asegurar la Inocuidad de los Alimentos

Maximice la producción de alimentos SEGUROS e INOCUOS con el método de mayor reconocimiento internacional!

Análisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Críticos HACCP
de Alimentos y Bebidas


Para solicitar el Temario Completo incluyendo expositor y costos

Si el link no funciona puede responder este correo con el asunto "HACCP"
junto con su Nombre, Teléfono y Sede y nosotros le haremos llegar la información

Acerca del evento:

Este sistema ha sido reconocido a nivel internacional como el mejor método para asegurar la inocuidad de los alimentos, y esta tendencia ha ido en aumento, ya que cada vez son más los países que lo han adoptado como un requisito legal; especialmente al considerar el acelerado crecimiento de la globalización del comercio de los alimentos para consumo humano.

Centro de Atención Telefónica
01 800 333 7726

Lic. Alfredo Escalante

Al participar usted conocerá:

• Comunicar confianza a sus clientes, demostrando que los alimentos se producen mediante procesos seguros.
• Reducir el desperdicio de productos y el retiro de éstos del mercado.
• Actualizar las herramientas de Gestión para la Calidad y Seguridad de los alimentos.
• Desarrollar e implementar procedimientos e instructivos y registros de calidad.
• ¡Y mucho más!

Here's why this company's shares are about to go up tenfold next week.

Yes, it's been some time since I reached out to you with something good but trust me� the wait will have been worth it.

I promised you that I'd only give you a tip if I had something spectacular, and today I do.

Remember my buddy in California who works at Accel? I had lunch with him yesterday and he told me that he firm is about to invest 50 million bucks into a small Marijuana company.

Basically they make weed vaporizers and their stuff is flying off the shelf because both weed, and vaporizers are all the craze right now.

Anyway, long story short, they're putting all that cash in the company at a price of $1.17 per share and yes you guessed it� it's way higher than where the stock price is as we speak.

The price is at just over 10 cents right now. This means that when they announce their involvement in a few days it should go up about tenfold overnight.

In fact, if you look at the chart, the price was at a little over 2 dollars a few weeks ago. My buddy tells me that his firm �crashed' it artificially so that they'd have more bargaining power at the table and it makes sense... They're coming in at just $1.17 instead of over 2 dollars.

Nonetheless this is a really rare chance for us to get in. I'll pick up at least 50,000 shares today and I think you should do the same.

The name of the company is Bellatora Inc. and its ticker is ECGR. If you do decide to tell a couple of your friends, please do me a favor and don't mention me by name.

Christine Hamilton

Here's why this company's shares are about to go up tenfold next week.

Yes, it's been some time since I reached out to you with something good but trust me� the wait will have been worth it.

I promised you that I'd only give you a tip if I had something spectacular, and today I do.

Remember my buddy in California who works at Accel? I had lunch with him yesterday and he told me that he firm is about to invest 50 million bucks into a small Marijuana company.

Basically they make weed vaporizers and their stuff is flying off the shelf because both weed, and vaporizers are all the craze right now.

Anyway, long story short, they're putting all that cash in the company at a price of $1.17 per share and yes you guessed it� it's way higher than where the stock price is as we speak.

The price is at just over 10 cents right now. This means that when they announce their involvement in a few days it should go up about tenfold overnight.

In fact, if you look at the chart, the price was at a little over 2 dollars a few weeks ago. My buddy tells me that his firm �crashed' it artificially so that they'd have more bargaining power at the table and it makes sense... They're coming in at just $1.17 instead of over 2 dollars.

Nonetheless this is a really rare chance for us to get in. I'll pick up at least 50,000 shares today and I think you should do the same.

The name of the company is Bellatora Inc. and its ticker is ECGR. If you do decide to tell a couple of your friends, please do me a favor and don't mention me by name.

Reggie Baldwin

Here's why this company's shares are about to go up tenfold next week.

Yes, it's been some time since I reached out to you with something good but trust me� the wait will have been worth it.

I promised you that I'd only give you a tip if I had something spectacular, and today I do.

Remember my buddy in California who works at Accel? I had lunch with him yesterday and he told me that he firm is about to invest 50 million bucks into a small Marijuana company.

Basically they make weed vaporizers and their stuff is flying off the shelf because both weed, and vaporizers are all the craze right now.

Anyway, long story short, they're putting all that cash in the company at a price of $1.17 per share and yes you guessed it� it's way higher than where the stock price is as we speak.

The price is at just over 10 cents right now. This means that when they announce their involvement in a few days it should go up about tenfold overnight.

In fact, if you look at the chart, the price was at a little over 2 dollars a few weeks ago. My buddy tells me that his firm �crashed' it artificially so that they'd have more bargaining power at the table and it makes sense... They're coming in at just $1.17 instead of over 2 dollars.

Nonetheless this is a really rare chance for us to get in. I'll pick up at least 50,000 shares today and I think you should do the same.

The name of the company is Bellatora Inc. and its ticker is ECGR. If you do decide to tell a couple of your friends, please do me a favor and don't mention me by name.

Arden Perry

Here's why this company's shares are about to go up tenfold next week.

Yes, it's been some time since I reached out to you with something good but trust me� the wait will have been worth it.

I promised you that I'd only give you a tip if I had something spectacular, and today I do.

Remember my buddy in California who works at Accel? I had lunch with him yesterday and he told me that he firm is about to invest 50 million bucks into a small Marijuana company.

Basically they make weed vaporizers and their stuff is flying off the shelf because both weed, and vaporizers are all the craze right now.

Anyway, long story short, they're putting all that cash in the company at a price of $1.17 per share and yes you guessed it� it's way higher than where the stock price is as we speak.

The price is at just over 10 cents right now. This means that when they announce their involvement in a few days it should go up about tenfold overnight.

In fact, if you look at the chart, the price was at a little over 2 dollars a few weeks ago. My buddy tells me that his firm �crashed' it artificially so that they'd have more bargaining power at the table and it makes sense... They're coming in at just $1.17 instead of over 2 dollars.

Nonetheless this is a really rare chance for us to get in. I'll pick up at least 50,000 shares today and I think you should do the same.

The name of the company is Bellatora Inc. and its ticker is ECGR. If you do decide to tell a couple of your friends, please do me a favor and don't mention me by name.

Sandy Noble