
martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Aprenda a Producir Frutas y Hortalizas Organicas

Llegue a los Mercados Orgánicos con Éxito!

Producción Orgánica de Granos, Frutas y Hortalizas

¡Conozca todo lo referente a la PRODUCCIÓN Y COMERCIALIZACIÓN ORGÁNICA, así como los TIPOS DE CERTIFICACIÓN Y APOYOS disponibles!

Fechas Disponibles:

06 y 07 de Abril En Monterrey

20 y 21 de Abril En la Ciudad de México

27 y 28 de Abril En Guadalajara

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Si el link no funciona puede responder este correo con el asunto "ORGANICA" junto con su Nombre, Teléfono y Sede y nosotros le haremos llegar la información.

Existe una tendencia de consumo hacia los alimentos orgánicos…
La gente cada vez más busca alimentos que contribuyan a su salud y equilibrio físico…

¡Llegue a estos mercados con éxito!

A través de este curso, usted conocerá los requisitos para producir alimentos orgánicos, así como el proceso de certificación de estos productos de alta demanda por los consumidores en todo el mundo.

Centro de Atención Telefónica
01 800 333 7726

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FORSUA · Herschel No. 153 Desp. 203 Col. Nueva Anzures · Ciudad de México, CDMX 11590 · Mexico

Conozca y Aplique el Nuevo Etiquetado Nutrimental

Comprenda las NOM de Etiquetado para México y Conozca los puntos Obligatorios que Debe llevar la Etiqueta en EUA!

Etiquetado Nutrimental Nacional y de Exportación

¡Incluye Taller Práctico de Revisión de Etiquetas!

Fechas Disponibles:

06 y 07 de Abril En la Ciudad de México

20 y 21 de Abril En Guadalajara

27 y 28 de Abril En Monterrey

Presione sobre su sede de interés para solicitar la información completa

Si el link no funciona puede responder este correo con el asunto "ENUTRI" junto con su Nombre, Teléfono y Sede y nosotros le haremos llegar la información.

¡Si usted es productor, importador o exportador de alimentos y bebidas tiene qué asistir a este curso, a fin de cumplir con las regulaciones de etiquetado, tanto de México como de Estados Unidos!

¡Con la ayuda de un experto, usted tendrá la oportunidad de revisar la etiqueta de uno de sus productos… Aproveche!

Usted será capaz de identificar los requisitos que debe contener la etiqueta de Alimentos y Bebidas no alcohólicas que se comercializan en México y en EUA, y aprenderá a declarar adecuadamente la información comercial obligatoria.

Centro de Atención Telefónica
01 800 333 7726

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FORSUA · Herschel No. 153 Desp. 203 Col. Nueva Anzures · Ciudad de México, CDMX 11590 · Mexico

Here is your chance to buy shares that will go up 10x by next week.

To all my subscribers,

As you obviously know, I have been quiet these last couple of months because I really have not had a stock worth recommending for purchase.

After the last stock�s 1,500% gains I really want to make sure that whatever I tell you to buy next will be a big winner since your expectations are high.

Today I want you to keep an eye on INCT (incapta inc) because something really huge is about to happen next week.

One of the gents I work with back in New York told me that INCT is on the verge of signing a deal to sell the company to a large multinational and this deal should be announced on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week and will carry a price per share of $1.38

I guess their special drone technology is too good to ignore, and a massive player wants to acquire all their know-how, IP and manufacturing capabilities.

That being said, this is a very rare opportunity to get in before the deal is officially announced and make a quick 10x on your principal in just 7 days.

Keep this on the low but do act quickly if you want to buy in. I recommend an entry point of 17 cents or under to maximize the upside.

All the best.

Here is your chance to buy shares that will go up 10x by next week.

To all my subscribers,

As you obviously know, I have been quiet these last couple of months because I really have not had a stock worth recommending for purchase.

After the last stock�s 1,500% gains I really want to make sure that whatever I tell you to buy next will be a big winner since your expectations are high.

Today I want you to keep an eye on INCT (incapta inc) because something really huge is about to happen next week.

One of the gents I work with back in New York told me that INCT is on the verge of signing a deal to sell the company to a large multinational and this deal should be announced on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week and will carry a price per share of $1.38

I guess their special drone technology is too good to ignore, and a massive player wants to acquire all their know-how, IP and manufacturing capabilities.

That being said, this is a very rare opportunity to get in before the deal is officially announced and make a quick 10x on your principal in just 7 days.

Keep this on the low but do act quickly if you want to buy in. I recommend an entry point of 17 cents or under to maximize the upside.

All the best.

Here is your chance to buy shares that will go up 10x by next week.

To all my subscribers,

As you obviously know, I have been quiet these last couple of months because I really have not had a stock worth recommending for purchase.

After the last stock�s 1,500% gains I really want to make sure that whatever I tell you to buy next will be a big winner since your expectations are high.

Today I want you to keep an eye on INCT (incapta inc) because something really huge is about to happen next week.

One of the gents I work with back in New York told me that INCT is on the verge of signing a deal to sell the company to a large multinational and this deal should be announced on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week and will carry a price per share of $1.38

I guess their special drone technology is too good to ignore, and a massive player wants to acquire all their know-how, IP and manufacturing capabilities.

That being said, this is a very rare opportunity to get in before the deal is officially announced and make a quick 10x on your principal in just 7 days.

Keep this on the low but do act quickly if you want to buy in. I recommend an entry point of 17 cents or under to maximize the upside.

All the best.