
martes, 13 de enero de 2015

What we spoke of…

Hi Patrick,

Hope you've seen
I sent yesterday.
If not, here it is again…

You've been approved to this FREE software
that has made $672,149.67
and more to 50 members across the globe

They are ready with the SET UP...
You'll be taking home DAILY PROFITS of
$1,253.92, $2,431.86 and more every single day…

Since they've done the TWEAKING FOR YOU
you simply get started by activating the software…

It will then work for you
Just click the ACTIVATION Link
and follow simple steps

It's that easy!

Best wishes

Unsubscribe Here

New: Get paid 10k a month by TEXTING.

Wow. I had to show you this...
plus I got this for you for free...

that is making * 5,000-10,000 *
in United States CASH per month.

It's AUTOMATIC too, so you just run it
in the background and go on with your life.

I've included VIDEO PROOF of it working.

As you can see, the app runs in the background
and makes you money without any work.

It uses the BILLIONS of mobile phones
all around the world and automatically
texts them and gets you PAID.

All I ask is that you DO NOT SPAM
using this app. You can make 10k a month
without spamming.

Now, since you're a special subscriber,
I have a free copy for you!

Here's the link to your free copy

Your invitation to this video should be valid,
but let me know if you have any problems getting in
and getting your free copy. This is important!

Enjoy your free gift!

BVI, Tortola, Drake Chambers PO 3321


Los 8 Secretos para el Exito en las Ventas

Los 8 Secretos para el Éxito en las Ventas
México, D.F. 23 de enero

Lo siguiente es solo una muestra de lo que aprenderá:

• Las 5 reglas de la persuasión y cómo usarlas para mejorar su índice de respuestas.
• Cómo hacer que sus preguntas le ayuden.
• Cómo dominar el arte de comunicación en dos sentidos.
• Formas garantizadas de interesar a presuntos clientes para que le compren a usted.
• 7 reglas para cerrar potenciales ventas.
• Los 12 mandamientos de las ventas.

Para mayores informes responda este correo con la Palabra: "Exito" + Nombre + Teléfono.
Lada sin costo:
01 800 212 0660.

Lic. Mercedes Acevedo.
Líder Ejecutivo

Si no está interesado en seguir recibiendo ofertas de nosotros responda con la palabra ALFA24

#1: Sexy Video

Hey there,

Don't let your wife see THIS...

She'll be wondering where the cash came from, when she sees the profits this makes...



Unsubscribe Here